Commonwealth Civil Rights - Reversing the Ancient Antiwhite Pogrom through Tactical Civics

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3/17/2024 12:03 am  #1


After that the day’s work, including all the voting, was over. We could all go home.It was THEN, after virtually ALL members had left, that the traitorous authors of this Resolution brought it up for a vote on the House floor – with only four hand-picked members present. It was then deceitfully “passed” by “Unanimous Consent” on March 5, 1991, by voice vote with almost NO ONE there and NO RECORD made of their names or how they voted. Two days later, on March 7 1991, the U.S. Senate passed the Resolution by voice vote, also with no recorded vote. On March 20, 1991, it was signed by President George H. W. Bush and became Public Law 102-14.As you read on, you will discover the identity of the evil forces that have so much control over the U. S. Go ernment that they can accomplish these dastardly deeds under cover of darkness.”[A lot of detailed information about the j subversions leading to this followed] As an American Jewish academic remarked to me, “One might have thought otherwise that in some religions it had something to do with revelation.” Another quote from the same planning  document: “certain distinctions also need to be made between the particularized expression of religion identified with institutional or denominational forms of religion and those broader world-views which animate such expression.” One more sentence may clarify this somewhat: “To resituate human-earth relations in a more balanced mode will require both a re-evaluation of world-views and a formulation of viable environmental ethics.”30In the Torah, God tells not only the Jews but also humanity in general that they should not live according to the laws of nature. Judaism totally rejects the “animal in man” and attempts to suppress it. Among the 613 commandments given to the Jews, there are seven which Judaism considers binding for all humanity. Non-Jews are expected to practice these Noahide laws at the very least: they prohibit idolatry, the vain use of God’s name, murder, sexual transgressions, theft, and eating the flesh of live animals, and require all people to establish courts of law to govern themselves. Two of these commandments are relevant to man’s relation with nature: not eating the flesh of live animals, and the recognition of God and the prohibition of idolatry. The latter forbids revering nature or any part of it as sacred. These Noahide laws are Judaism’s central message to the world. A world which would study these laws and adhere to them would be a much more moral place than the one we live in today. Judaism is not a universal religion in the sense that it has to take a position on everything which happens in the world. Anybody familiar with the strategic aspects of propagating ideas knows that it is counterproductive to focus on secondary issues: the human mind can retain only a limited number of messages. to foster civil rights in the United States and human rights in the world, and to protect the environment. The Noahide laws are the essence of Jewish universalism. They stress human duties. Human rights are only derived from these duties, and are not the basis from which Judaism starts. If the commandments are not respected, human rights automatically de facto disappear.If, indeed, protecting nature is a key issue of the next century, there seem to be enough reasons for Jewish observers to watch which direction this powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry. This refers to both the religious focus on nature of neo-paganism and the ideological one of extreme environmentalist currents.
Once they implement the Noahides in the US, Christians will be given a choice: Deny the deity of Christ, or be beheaded.
Rosh Hashanah Judaism is not a universal religion in the sense that it has to take a position on everything which happens in the world. Anybody familiar with the strategic aspects of propagating ideas knows that it is counterproductive to focus on secondary issues: the human mind can retain only a limited number of messages. To foster civil rights in the United States and human rights in the world, and to protect the environment. The Noahide laws are the essence of Jewish universalism. They stress human duties. Human rights are only derived from these duties, and are not the basis from which Judaism starts. If the commandments are not respected, human rights automatically de facto disappear. If, indeed, protecting nature is a key issue of the next century, there seem to be enough reasons for Jewish observers to watch which direction this powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry. This refers to both the religious focus on nature of neo-paganism and the ideological one of extreme environmentalist currents. Once they implement the Noahides in the US, Christians will be given a choice: Deny the deity of Christ, or be beheaded.  When the Noahide laws are finally implemented all unrepentant polytheists will receive the death penalty. The Jews believe that Christians are polytheists because they believe in the  Triune God (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit). The 80 million deluded Christian Zionists knuckleheads in the United States don’t realise that their heads will be on the chopping block as well – LITERALLY!!! readers might be interested in some background info on recent Popes and noahide “doctrine” Rosh Hashanah The hidden significance of the "rainbowflag"The core issue at play w t flag is the U N Noah id e and Tal mud expecting us to fly it as if we were a conquered people - and their "laws" binding upon what the cult calls gentiles. Under their ramblings they are to put idol worshipers to gouillotine! That is the aim of the flag.'Beware+the+World+to+Come'+by+Christopher+Jon+Bjerknes.mp4 Religious Extremism meets Weather Control & Racial Social Engineering pets TV Promotes Great Replacement Climate Plan: Stop Having White European Children 'Aryan CO2 Emitters,' Import Third World Migrants Instead_ #The state of the worldThe perpetrators, who keep planning, instigating conflicts and wars, multiple mass murder genocides through the ages… always de-humanize their targeted victims… call them “sub-human”, “animals”, “beasts”, “cattle” at best, “Nazis”, “anti-Semites”, “white supremacists” – always trying to inflame hatred… making different fractions fighting and killing each otherIt is not about so called “Semites – anti-Semites” (in fact the Turko Mongol tribe that is located from the present region that was palestine, is not originally from this rsemitic region, and we have no obligation to be bound by any laws by supremacist sects that show no resppect for our right to life liberty and the pursuit of hapiness.
It is not about “white supremacists” – It is all about anti-Communism, anti-Satanism! No support for the Synagogue of Satan!The audacity of claiming a “moral” highground… Always trying to “justify” what cannot be justified – recklessly slaughtering, ritually murdering (tens of) millions of defenseless men, women and children… Currently genociding the Ukrainians, the Palestinians – again and again – and they won’t stop at that… IF they are not stopped by public opinion worldwide!No support for the Satanists! No WWIII for Jewish world domination. Hell on earth! What they did to the Germans – forcing WWI+WWII upon them – and they have never stopped executing their multiple extermination plans, using their multiple toolsHolocaust of WWII (barely even mentioned)


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