Shekels not flowing fast enough, shackles not tight enough?
RPC8.5 Scenario - High Emisions Coal Based World.
Using Extreme Scenarios, for Sensationalism! Owns & Describes the Risk, Commands the Measures. Manages the Process.
Apocolype Never! Book.
Climate change catastrophism is a cultural disease haunting Western society. Andy West’s excellent study of this problem explains the different drivers of this disease. It is an important contribution to a debate where reason must prevail
Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent.
The results are clear: changes in CO₂ concentration cannot be a cause of temperature changes. On the contrary, temperature change is a
potential cause of CO₂ change on all time scales. As we conclude in the paper, “All evidence resulting from the analyses of the longest
available modern time series of atmospheric concentration of [CO₂] at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, along with that of globally averaged T, suggests
a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. This direction of causality holds for the entire
period covered by the observations (more than 60 years).”
Book: The Global Warming Hypothesis is an Unproven Hypothesis, Dr. Nakamura explains why the data foundation underpinning global warming
science is “untrustworthy” and cannot be relied on:“Global mean temperatures before 1980 are based on untrustworthy data,” writes
Nakamura. Before full planet surface observation by satellite began in 1980, only a small part of the Earth had been observed for
temperatures with only a certain amount of accuracy and frequency. Across the globe, only North America and Western Europe have
trustworthy temperature data dating back to the 19th century.”From 1990 to 2014, Nakamura worked on cloud dynamics and forces
mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales. His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology),
Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.He has published 20+ climate papers on fluid dynamics. There is no questioning
the man’s credibility or knowledge base.Today’s ‘global warming science’ is akin to an upside down pyramid which is built on the work
of a few climate modelers. These AGW pioneers claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recently rising
temperatures and have then simply projected that warming forward. Every climate researcher thereafter has taken the results of these
original models as a given, and we’re even at the stage now where merely testing their validity is regarded as heresy.
What is Energy Security:
Diversified portfolio of energy suppliers reduce vulnerability to disruptions
Minimal transportation
Energy independence perceived as domestic supply!
LaCasse & Plourde (1995) & Cohen et al.(2011)
Climate refugees & payments to Africa (via usurpers).
1United Nations, “Adoption of the Paris Agreement”, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (12 Decemeber 2015), pg. 1
2 International Organization on Migration, “Migration and Climate Change”, online via:
3 Hollifield, M., Thompson Fullilove, M., Hobfoll, S. E., “Chapter 8: Climate Change Refugees” in Climate Change and Human Well-Being (Inka Weissbecker edition, 2011)
4 United Nations, Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967, Article 1
5 United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 14
weather warfare
Academia, Polit and Judiciary Corruption
Carbon Tax
Green Energy
Weather Manipulations
weather warfare
Get the Discussion on Banning Weather Warfare!
Weather Warfare:
Last edited by Admin (4/10/2024 9:36 pm)
Climate change catastrophism is a cultural disease haunting Western society. Andy West’s excellent study of this problem explains the different drivers
of this disease. It is an important contribution to a debate where reason must prevail Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University
of Kent.
Systemic Climate Anthropogenic Hoax; and Race Propoganda and Demonisation of Western Society.
Inside the Spiritual Syphylis mind?
Climate Refugees and Rape. Threats.
pets he is not a royal
What is Energy Security:
Diversified portfolio of energy suppliers reduce vulnerability to disruptions
Minimal transportation
Energy independence perceived as domestic supply!
LaCasse & Plourde (1995) & Cohen et al.(2011)
Energy Restriction as Act of War - limiting food, economic necessity, and mobility.
Methane Pledge by What Tribe.
Stopping Scientific Fraud.
ABSTRACT. Although science is our most reliable producer of knowledge, it can also be used to create ignorance, unjustified doubt, and
misinformation. In doing so, agnotological practices result not only in epistemic harms but also in social ones. A way to prevent
or minimise such harms is to impede these ignorance-producing practices.
$8Trillion Deindustrialization Looting Carbon Tax versus the Science
Earth Science CAPTURED BY MARXIST. The Narratives. Colonialism (debunked Whites always occupied N America), Residential School Geno (debunked), Racism (debunked), CO2 as Pollutant Debunked),
Tikkun Olun T@lmud Noah ide (making Right), Kalergi White Bastardization Engineered - by White Genocide to Cool the Climate (Debunked).
Its all here man up take charge of destiny.
The results are clear: changes in CO₂ concentration cannot be a cause of temperature changes. On the contrary, temperature change is a
potential cause of CO₂ change on all time scales. As we conclude in the paper, “All evidence resulting from the analyses of the longest
available modern time series of atmospheric concentration of [CO₂] at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, along with that of globally averaged T, suggests
a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. This direction of causality holds for the entire
period covered by the observations (more than 60 years).”
Book: The Global Warming Hypothesis is an Unproven Hypothesis, Dr. Nakamura explains why the data foundation underpinning global warming
science is “untrustworthy” and cannot be relied on:“Global mean temperatures before 1980 are based on untrustworthy data,” writes
Nakamura. Before full planet surface observation by satellite began in 1980, only a small part of the Earth had been observed for
temperatures with only a certain amount of accuracy and frequency. Across the globe, only North America and Western Europe have
trustworthy temperature data dating back to the 19th century.”From 1990 to 2014, Nakamura worked on cloud dynamics and forces
mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales. His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology),
Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.He has published 20+ climate papers on fluid dynamics. There is no questioning
the man’s credibility or knowledge base.Today’s ‘global warming science’ is akin to an upside down pyramid which is built on the work
of a few climate modelers. These AGW pioneers claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recently rising
temperatures and have then simply projected that warming forward. Every climate researcher thereafter has taken the results of these
original models as a given, and we’re even at the stage now where merely testing their validity is regarded as heresy.
Last edited by Admin (7/05/2024 9:53 am)
the-rockefellers-created-990-climate change institutions, foundations and activist groups
Translation: Human caused global warming through CO2 is a myth, 100% of global warming is caused by changes in cloud cover (reflectivity) and changes in earth's heat absorption.
"Our analysis revealed that the solar forcing (i.e., TSI and albedo changes) measured by CERES explain 100% of the observed global warming trend and 83% of the interannual GSAT variability over the past 24 years (Figure 9), including the extreme 2023 heat anomaly (Figure 10). Albedo changes were found to be by far the dominant GSAT driver, while TSI variations only played a minor, modulating role (Figure 11 and Figure 12). The sustained increase of sunlight absorption by the planet was also identified as the most likely driver of ocean warming in recent decades based on a high correlation".. "These results suggest a lack of physical reality to both the anthropogenic radiative forcing attributed to rising greenhouse gases and the positive (amplifying) feedbacks hypothesized by the greenhouse theory and simulated by climate models. This is because any real forcing (or amplifying feedback) outside of the increased planetary uptake of solar radiation would have produced additional warming above and beyond the amount explained by changes in the planetary albedo and TSI. However, no such extra warming is observed in the available temperature records. Hence, the anthropogenic radiative forcing and associated positive feedbacks are likely model artifacts rather than real phenomena. The empirical data and model calculations analyzed in our study also indicate that the Earth’s climate sensitivity to radiative forcing is only 0.29–0.30 K/(W m−2). Therefore, the greenhouse theory overestimates this parameter by 56–158%."
On Sept. 1, a report by Jo Nova revealed that a staggering 96 percent of major corporations are quietly stepping away from their climate commitments. Many of these companies, which once made bold promises to curb carbon emissions,
are now backtracking on their goals.
Canadas Carbon Colony
The results are clear: changes in CO₂ concentration cannot be a cause of temperature changes. On the contrary, temperature change is a potential cause of CO₂ change on all time scales. As we conclude in the paper, “All evidence resulting from the analyses of the longest available modern time series of atmospheric concentration of [CO₂] at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, along with that of globally averaged T, suggests a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. This direction of causality holds for the entire period covered by the observations (more than 60 years).”
Scientific Facts
Book: The Global Warming Hypothesis is an Unproven Hypothesis, Dr. Nakamura explains why the data foundation underpinning global warming science is “untrustworthy” and cannot be relied on:“Global mean temperatures before 1980 are based on untrustworthy data,” writes Nakamura. Before full planet surface observation by satellite began in 1980, only a small part of the Earth had been observed for temperatures with only a certain amount of accuracy and frequency. Across the globe, only North America and Western Europe have
trustworthy temperature data dating back to the 19th century. ”From 1990 to 2014, Nakamura worked on cloud dynamics and forces mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales. His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology),
Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. He has published 20+ climate papers on fluid dynamics. There is no questioning the man’s credibility or knowledge base.Today’s ‘global warming science’ is akin to an upside down pyramid which is built on the work of a few climate modelers. These AGW pioneers claim to have emonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recently rising temperatures and have then simply projected that warming forward. Every climate researcher thereafter has taken the results of these original models as a given, and we’re even at the stage now where merely testing their validity is regarded as heresy.
If you haven’t read Dr John Coleman’s book, “The Committee of 300”, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Mike Yeadon PhD
Published in 1993)
"At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question." (p. 105)
To the people who own and run the planet, humanity has become a dead-weight except as servants and sex slaves. Below, MI-6 whistleblower John Coleman describes the covid end-game: A return to feudalism where a billion people will serve the super-rich.
Climate Change and Human RIghts
Toxic Kerry Cohen family and Climate Grifting.
Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health WHO is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Vanessa Kerry as the first-ever Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health.
=15.4pxDr Kerry, a renowned global health expert and medical doctor and CEO of Seed Global Health, will play a pivotal role in amplifying WHO's climate and health messaging and undertake high-level advocacy. "We are delighted to have Dr Vanessa Kerry join WHO as our Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. Her extensive experience and dedication to public health make her an invaluable asset in addressing the health consequences of climate change. Together, we will work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for all," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, WHO.
=15.4pxClimate change is emerging as the greatest health challenge of the 21st century, impacting various aspects of human well-being. Extreme weather events, noncommunicable and infectious diseases, as well as health infrastructure and workforce capacity, are all being significantly affected. Dr Kerry will bring her invaluable expertise and leadership to the forefront in supporting WHO. As the Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health, Dr Kerry will undertake key responsibilities,
MEP Warns Climate Change Policies Will Lead to a “New Form of Communism”
Important, keep these email addresses handy in case you like to send a love letter :
Doug Ford
Please SHARE this with all Canadians & other free nations under attack by the UN.This may prove to be one of the most important interviews I have done. Maggie accomplished it in Ontario, and she has created a package for YOU so you don't have to figure it out for yourself. It's time to stop complaining and instead use the tool Maggie made for you in your town. Trudeau flew in to her town after she convinced council not to proceed and her video went viral, and other bizarre happenings when she had success fending of the beast. THIS ONE NEEDS TO BE SHARED ACROSS CANADA!!! Maggie's package here: at
ICLEI Organization (Main Web page)
ICLEI - LocalGovernments for Sustainablility
Green Municipal Fund
Gather 2030 - Substack
"KICKLEI PRIMER 1st Edition"
"Rosa Koire - Behind The Green Mask"
"The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide"
Federation of canadian Municipalities
"A municipal Primer on The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development" (46 - pages)
"Partners for Climate Protection"
There is no climate Emergency (pdf)
"There is No Climate Change Emergency"
"Partners for Climate Protection"
"City of Kelowna - Climate Action" Web page
"Climate Action Plan"
"Climate Projections for the Okanogan Region - 2020)
"Kelowna-Clean Air Action Plan-Resolution"
"Kelowna-Report to Council May 15, 2011-Community Climate Action Plan"
One article related to "Geoff Sniccer" as discussed by Maggie:
"Newly formed association meeting to discuss alleged government sustainability plot"