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The Grievence Industry is coordinated, well funded and not happenstance. The blanket term is Cultural_MarxismTM which can otherwise be called a Culture_War and the malefactor is the Western Civilization!
The objectives are humiliation and mortalities.
We look at the developments in Attacks and Displacement of Light Pigment people, by POC across North America and Europe.
Every Single Aspect of Anti-White Hate is jewish
Parties that incite at this level are engaging in activities that cumulatvely lead to mortality and economic depravation, terror and slavery. This has occurred before. This Low Level Demonisation and Incarceration of Gentiles is Criminal. The Combatants in the Culture_War that they started unprovoked, must have the tables turned. Personally having experienced an externally co-ordinated race hustling mxst coup, this is still at the culture stage in some regards and strong opposition is required.
Grey Media: Creating Confusion, Falsifying History, Social Manipulating, Keeping people on a Divide Dialectic, to avoid existential societal aversion strategies.
False_Flag Antigentile Interest Attacks with Pretend Whites "harming" POC, followed by Restrictions, Propaganda & Anti_White_Racism_Demonisation
Colonisation Rebranded as Multi_Culturism at High Ratios is Replacement_Antigentilism?
however the fruits are in the eating, and the deaths of Whites is increasing from Imported people.
Social_Justic Anti-White Demonization resulting in Dispossessions and Ethnic Cleansing Risk
To Demanding the Necessities for Others Livelihoods without investing intellectual social or labor capital, using a narrative of injustice; biased towards disadvantaging Global White Minorities.
"White-Supremacist" is Anti_White_DemonisationTM; The Real Crime Statistics
White Priviledge - Demonisation AntiGentilism from Marxist_Captured_Universities
Grievance Industry Canada
Health Canada's Employee Assistance Program identify counsellors with expertise in dealing with discrimination
Our Commitment
We commit to ensuring access to justice by improving: the accessibility of the Commission's complaints processes; the identification of patterns and trends in complaints outcomes; and the advancement of strategic litigation to ensure the continued development of anti-racism case law in federal jurisdiction. The Commission also commits to ensuring that federal employers and service providers proactively identify and remove barriers to accessibility, equity and
Using Apps/Plugins to change the groups
Denying the reality of Racial Differences is not Practiced by Jewish, Muslims, Chinese, Indians, Africans.
Manipulates Us to Not Defend Our Livelihoods and Access to the Resources required for our Families - from More Aggressive Cultures that have no reservations to shaming and intimidating us into submission. Abusing our hospitality and our objectivity - resulting in out competition for Resources and Ethnic Cleansing with the current Regimes!
AntiGentilism in the Form of Identity Fraud for Demonisation
Over 1,000 Exposed For Pretending To Be White on Twitter - Christians for Truth
Demonisation and Inciting Ethnic Violence - While Blaming the Victims of the Violence for Being the Cause and for Bigotry
Diversity_Equity_Inclusion - Stop_Ethnic_ErasureTM
If Cameroon, Central African Republic and Zimbabwe implement a Quota System for Europeans, and South Africa stops Officially Inciting the killing of Boers, we can come to the table!
Aviation Invented and Reliably Piloted/Maintained/Engineered by White Men
in light of Power Grid Failures in the present South African regime, perhaps meritocracy is a non negotiable if we want to maintain our Advanced public goods.
This cost could create homes and urban food systems.
Cultural_Appropriation - Stop_Ethnic_ErasureTM
ANTIGentile Demonisation Self Defence branded Hate Speech
American Civil War
A Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an “international banking syndicate” decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a “divide and conquer” strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, “The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States…would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed.”
The funny thing about diversity is they seem to have changed the meaning of the word. Diversity would seem to imply having lots of different nationalities living together, but realistically what the people who push diversity are really implying is having all different nationalities except white people living together.
Their plan is not to have all people's of the world living together in harmony, it's too replace white people with non whites. I remember when I was browsing through a book of colleges there was a school called Tuskeegee College which was 99% black, but in the description it was referred to as being the most diverse school in America. So in other words what is really meant by diversity is having 100% non-whites and 0% White people.
Taboos, dogmas, and guilt trips are the enemies of personal empowerment, and are fundamentally incompatible with a reason-based worldview. Racial differences, colonialism, immigration, and anti-Semitism/the Holocaust, collectively known as the 'white guilt complex', are currently Western society's biggest, most dangerous taboos. As there cannot be true enlightenment and empowerment --and ultimately even survival-- without thorough taboo and guilt rejection, these (and other, lesser) 'politically incorrect' issues need to be faced head-on, deconstructed, and neutralized. That's what this page is about: putting things into perspective so that the truth may set you free.
affirmative action Giving non-Whites, especially blacks, special handouts, privileges, and promotions just for being black.
“Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-jew by the Jevvish group. The jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world… the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity…” — Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier’s Magazine, November 26, 1938
“I think there’s a resurgence of antisemitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re going be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jevvs are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and jevvs will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.” Barbara Lerner Spectre, IBA-News, 2012
The holocaust is viewed as the foundation upon which the modern system of White guilt was built, used by the jevvish- dominated establishment as a club to beat in the skulls of anyone who dares stand-up and claim that Whites have a right to their own countries. The absurd assertion – either plainly stated or directly implied – is that whenever Whites organize for their own interests, they begin exterminating people. As such, the jevvish declaration of “Never Again” is taken to imply that there will never again be a White country.
The only way to subvert the Jevvish obsession with bringing up the Holocaust whenever any White person claims they have a right to exist is to viciously mock the story, in large part by pointing out that they have yet to produce physical evidence
POC - People of Color. Used mainly in the USA to describe a person who is not White.
Racism (1) The most successful political coinage in the history of the world is racism, a term that is fair odds to produce the genocide of the fair race by means of intimidating it out of defending itself.
Racism appears to refer to certain views held by Whites, but upon closer inspection, it is simply a hate term for the entire White race. Rather than frankly admit they hate whites and seek their destruction, jvvs refer to themselves/their activities as:
human rights
All these have one meaning: reducing the scope, dignity and political power of the White man. Taking from him whatever can be taken, turning it over to jevvs and the POC majority – and spitting on the White man in thanks. Jevvs pervert or invent whichever terms they require to hide the fact that they and the coloreds they use to despoil white society are feeding on our race
Racist - A person who does not subordinate themselves or White interests to no non-White racists who hate us.
Rent seeking - Leveraging identity politics and victim status to extract wealth from the productive
An “Injustice” warrior. A person claiming to be wanting “social justice” while in practice creating injustice by persecuting anyone who disagrees with their
vibrant - A violent, dangerous area or community. A euphemism used by media and estate agents to describe areas or communities with non-Whites.
“Vibrant diversity” and “cultural enrichment” are terms which have been used with a straight-face by the Jevvish establishment to refer to mass non-White immigration into White countries.
White guilt - A feeling among most Whites that they are somehow responsible for all that is bad in the world. Caused by a lifetime of brain-washing control of the media, education, political system, etc., designed to weaken Whites’ ability to resist their racial and cultural dispossession by the chosenTM
engineered invasion of White countries by non-Whites.
women’s health - Abortion and contraception
YidEmpire - An alternative term for the British Empire.
Framing effect – drawing different conclusions from the same information, depending on how that information is presented.
bias”).Ingroup bias – the tendency for people to give preferential treatment to others they perceive to be members of their own groups.
Dunning–Kruger effect an effect in which incompetent people fail to realize they are incompetent, because they lack the skill to distinguish between competence and incompetence
Illusion-of-truth effect: that people are more likely to identify as true statements those they have previously heard (even if they cannot consciously remember having heard them), regardless of the actual validity of the statement. In other words, a person is more likely to believe a familiar statement than an unfamiliar one
Misinterpretations or misuse of statistics.
Humor effect: that humorous items are more easily remembered than non-humorous ones, which might be explained by the distinctiveness of humor, the increased cognitive processing time to understand the humor, or the emotional arousal caused by the humor.
Fallacy of composition – assuming that something true of part of a whole must also be true of the whole
Fallacy of division – assuming that something true of a thing must also be true of all or some of its parts
Fallacy of the single cause (causal oversimplification) – it is assumed that there is one, simple cause of an outcome when in reality it may have been caused by a number of only jointly sufficient causes.
False attribution – an advocate appeals to an irrelevant, unqualified, unidentified, biased or fabricated source in support of an argument
Argumentum ad populum (appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people) – where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so
Reductio ad Hitlerum (playing the Nazi card) – comparing an opponent or their argument to Hitler or Nazism in an attempt to associate a position with one that is universally reviled
Slippery slope (thin edge of the wedge, camel’s nose) – asserting that a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant impact
Labeling and mislabeling – Limited thinking about behaviors or events due to reliance on names; related to overgeneralization. Rather than describing the specific behavior, the person assigns a label to someone or himself that implies absolute and unalterable terms. Mislabeling involves describing an event with language that is highly colored and emotionally loaded
Mind Control Sorcery Methods'
1) scape-goating/ set-up-man/ framing/ frame-up/ transference /shifting blame/reverse projection/ tableturning/: setting up another as the villain to avoid culpability for one's own deeds; attributing to the attributor what he attributes to yourself
2) straw man: Constructing a false identity of another to have others destroy them thinking it is their real identity; often comes in the form of smearing/ slandering the victim
3) victim pose/ possum play/ passive aggression/: portraying yourself as a victim or weak/inferior to disarm opposition by deceiving them into thinking you are not a threat to their power; also used to incur sympathy from others and turn them against threats to oneself (eg. one's own enemies);portraying oneself as a victim/ injured party to weaken opposition through feigning weakness often while subtlety/ guilefully injuring them
4) adhominem/ vilification/ mudslinging/ labeling/ defamation (slander=spoken /libel= written)ortrayal of an opponent in a negative light for the purpose of i) destroying or ii) exploiting them
5) divide and conquer/ playing both ends against the middle/ triangulation: get enemies to fight against each other to 'fall on their own swords'/ mutually destroy each other thereby subjugating opposition/ ingratiate oneself with one party and turn them against the other,etc.
6) parasitism: exploitation of others without contribution in the manner of a parasite
7) passing off/ expropriation: representing another’s work as one's own for personal gain chameleon/ shape-shifting/ actor: adopting fluid behavior/ character that changes with circumstances for the purpose of ingratiating oneself with the dupe
8) shaming/ demoralization: getting the opponent to turn inward and believe there is something wrong with them/ their (past) actions as a means of getting them to make concessions to you (eg. the sins of the fathers)
9) mockery: discrediting opposition through derision
10) pied piper/ mountebankery/ rabble rousing: representation of self as benevolent leader of 'victims'(workers/ non-whites/ women/ freaks, etc.); to use ‘victims’to strike against opposition (see ' cats paw')
11) middle man: role played between parties allegedly for their (mutual) benefit to derive personal advantage
12) poison the well: creating problems in an environment (society, workplace, etc.) for personal advantage typically though slyness/ deceit
13) false front/ false humility: the creation of a false identity character for purposes of ingratiation with intended victims/ lowering the opponents’ defence or subjugating offense
14) bold-faced lying: "its' not a lie if you believe it"-George Castanza/ talmud
15) Semantic twisting: pharasiacal interpretation of words or deliberate misuse/ wrenching from context to distort the meaning of words
16) interrogation:use of cross-questioning/ (socratic) dialectical techniques to establish the position of the Other/ascertain their opinion/ belief/ establish liability (all government agents are taught this)
17) gradualism/ leaven of the pharisees: introducing (near) imperceptible change that creates desired circumstances the opponent would not allow given an awareness of the end result. (surreptitious slippery slope)
18) preemption/ preemptive strike: anticipation of the opponents' move and countering it through making the first move or 'strike'
19) gaslighting: distortion of the perception of the opponent through convincing them to believe that their perceived reality is incorrect and they must change to the desired state thereby -which is itself forever changing/ portrayed as inadequate-leading to their subjugation ( a form of demoralization)
20) blinds/cats paws/dupes/patsies: these are gullible/ unwitting 'useful idiots' who perform a role in your agenda and who have blame transferred to them if necessary (often plays a scapegoat function)
21) provoke/instigate/antagonize: to deliberately rile up opponent to elicit a reaction that portrays them in a negative light/yourself in a favorable one
22) emotionalize: introducing emotive content into relations with others(eg.discussion/debate) to create certain emotional reactions in the audience or interlocutors.To make an emotional issue arise where none existed before. Done through tone of voice; use of trigger/buzz words;actions/gestures,etc.
24) Nudge:i) control the options ii) shotgun clause iii) restrictive choice: i)engineering circumstances to enable oneself to control the outcome; ii)orchestrate/ represent circumstances such that the opponent has choices only in your favour (eg. lesser of two evils); iii) restrict their choices
25) blame the victim: similar to reverse projection but differs in harming an opponent while blaming them for your actions/ implicating them as the cause of their own suffering.
26) dynamic silence:refusal to acknowledge the position/ statements of the Other as means of subjugating Other
27) Normative Inversion: positing the inversion of an Others’ norms as the good to subjugate the Other
28) Double Talk/ speak/ Newspeak/ Ambiguity:use of irrelevant,meaning less or ambiguous language to create confusion in the Other
29) Argumentative fallacies: see D.N Walton, “A Pragmatic Theory of Fallacy”
Last edited by Admin (9/26/2024 9:09 pm)
The Mxst Students love the Heated White Built University, and the Cafeteria Food Delivered by Freight and from Farms, the "Academics are most likely subsidized, so do we need Universities Humanities if they are a Incubator of War_Incitement?
Do We Report this as HateSpeech??
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