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Cybernetic Illness Risk (investigate further and lobby to remove the 5Gen apparatus using the data on the 567Gen page.
Use these Search engine: , , Searx (choose the server that you want) or
Marberg, Bird Flu, Disease X - Frequency & NanoMaterials
A Special Forces attorney Tod Callender - in the U S states on Court that would be used with 18GHz at 3 pulses
Its like nano material and radiation together would make intrnal bleeding, and thats concealed technology, it could be in Optical fibers but more in Twrs.
Radiation & Nano Effects in Body (Simplification)
us-quarantine-camps-already-built/K band (NATO) - Wikipedia The Ku band (/ˌkeɪˈjuː/) is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies from 12 to 18 gigahertz (GHz). The symbol is short for "K-under" (originally German: Kurz-unten), because it is the lower part of the original NATO K band, which was split into three bands (Ku, K, and Ka) because of the presence of the atmospheric water vapor resonance peak at 22.24 GHz, (1.35 cm) which made the center unusable for long range transmission. In radar applications, it ranges from 12 to 18 GHz according to the formal definition of radar frequency band nomenclature in IEEE Standard 521–2002.[1][/url][url= ][2][/url] Ku band is primarily used for satellite communications, most notably the downlink used by direct broadcast satellites to broadcast satellite television, and for specific applications such as NASA's Tracking Data Relay Satellite used for International Space Station (ISS) communications and SpaceX Starlink satellites.[url= ][3][/url] Ku band satellites are also used for backhauls and particularly for satellite from remote locations back to a television network's studio for editing and broadcasting. The band is split by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) into multiple segments that vary by geographical region. NBC was the first television network to uplink a majority of its affiliate feeds via Ku band in 1983. Some frequencies in this radio band are employed in radar guns used by law enforcement to detect vehicles speeding, especially in Europe.[url= ][4][/url] The NATO K band is the obsolete designation given to the radio frequencies from 20 to 40 GHz (equivalent to wavelengths between 1.5 and 0.75 cm) during the cold war period. Since 1992 frequency allocations, allotment and assignments are in line to NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA).[url= (NATO)#cite_note-1][1] However, in order to identify military radio spectrum requirements, e.g. for crises management planning, training, electronic warfare activities, or in military operations, this system is still in use.
Sustainability Wars
Black Box Kill Switch
Smart City Net Zero Kill b o X
LIDAR cameras weaponised
NexRad US EMP Pulses and Extreme Weather
Smart Dust & HAARP
Bird Flu,
"Seventy people in Colorado are being monitored for bird flu even though none of them are showing symptoms. Now untrustworthy Dr. Jeremy Farrar of the WHO says that they need control of all indoor spaces and farms. Odd timing, isn't it? "
May 13, 2024. This is how they will CONTROL all of us, new WHO lockdowns plans announced
Spars-Pandemic 25-28
Fa uci’s Na notechnology Patents
NIH funded 15 nano Patents with indicted scientist, Charles Lie ber
Nano bots with “ball istic transport” attributes that can fire killer viruses out of nano-c_anon dust ingested or injected into your body.
Body Nano
Body Sensors
Injecting Nanomaterials into Dental Injections, Injections
Connecting-our-bodies-to-the Smart City
Boris Johnsons Father -on 2025 Population Die Off UK
On Body Remedies: Heel Grounding, Earth Mats for Sleeping?
Remedy for WHO!
Look listen replicate:
This is wrong. BIO DIGI OF THE PERSON program.
www.CanadianPetition.com rightsprobe.org
A Discussion With Bruce Pardy youtube.com/watch?v=UvZTYdRcvuw
Your Town - Way Out.
Provincial Legislature has last decision, but our rights and freedoms are not the Provinces Corporate remit either.
=16.25pxCybernetic Illness Risk (investigate further and lobby to remove the 5Gen apparatus using the data on the 567Gen page.
A Special Forces attorney Tod Callender - in the U S states on Court that would be used with 18GHz at 3 pulses
Its like nano material and radiation together would make intrnal bleeding, and thats concealed technology, it could be in Optical fibers but more in Twrs.
Effects in Body (Simplification)
On Body Remedies:
Heel Grounding, Earth Mats for Sleeping?
Background Reading -
18GHz or K Band to ascertain where such frequencies may be emitted from! Transmitter. dB Control Introduces Pulsed 15-18 GHz MPM Providing 1kW Power At 7% Max Duty Cycle (rfglobalnet.com)
6-18 GHz Pulsed MPM For High-Performance EW dB-3774B (rfglobalnet.com)
Transmit Recieve Card. 25 40 GHz Multi-Chip TransmitReceive Module QPM2100 (rfglobalnet.com)
S-band electronic warfare, communications, and radar applications in the 2.5 – 40 GHz frequency range
AnchorAnchor The Ku band (/ˌkeɪˈjuː/) is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies from 12 to 18 gigahertz (GHz). The symbol is short for "K-under" (originally German: Kurz-unten), because it is the lower part of the original NATO K band, which was split into three bands (Ku, K, and Ka) because of the presence of the atmospheric water vapor resonance peak at 22.24 GHz, (1.35 cm) which made the center unusable for long range transmission. In radar applications, it ranges from 12 to 18 GHz according to the formal definition of radar frequency band nomenclature in IEEE Standard 521–2002.[1][2]
Anchor Ku band is primarily used for satellite communications, most notably the downlink used by direct broadcast satellites to broadcast satellite television, and for specific applications such as NASA's Tracking Data Relay Satellite used for International Space Station (ISS) communications and SpaceX Starlink satellites.[3] Ku band satellites are also used for backhauls and particularly for satellite from remote locations back to a television network's studio for editing and broadcasting. The band is split by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) into multiple segments that vary by geographical region. NBC was the first television network to uplink a majority of its affiliate feeds via Ku band in 1983.
Anchor Some frequencies in this radio band are employed in radar guns used by law enforcement to detect vehicles speeding, especially in Europe.[4]
K band (NAT0) - Wikipedia
The NAT0 K band is the obsolete designation given to the radio frequencies from 20 to 40 GHz (equivalent to wavelengths between 1.5 and 0.75 cm) during the cold war period. Since 1992 frequency allocations, allotment and assignments are in line to NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA).[1] However, in order to identify military radio spectrum requirements, e.g. for crises management planning, training, electronic warfare activities, or in military operations, this system is still in use.
Last edited by Admin (5/14/2024 8:28 pm)
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