Men, Woman, Families, Communities - it is time to Defend your Civilization.
Western Civilization defends and respects the Vulnerable. We are objective and support the percieved underdog. This pathological altruism is our achilles heel! Many of our woman date Congoids and too many get abused and murder of White woman is becoming more common and at this point a tragedy that we must face head on. This is the end of the tolerance of Demonisation and Anti White Racism.
Civilization requires organisation and strength. Information ovcerload and fear are weapons of our enemies. Knowledge, positive racism (focus on your people becoming strong, fit and capable to defend their property and communities economically, spiritually and physically.
Objectives to Focus the Mind!
Remain Sober and Fit,
Select Suitable Tactical Dress [and healthy materials for radiation and energy such as 50% Cotton/Polyester Tactical, Leather Jackets with Collar, Satin, Wool, Hemp, Tweed].
Tactical Preparedness at Home, Property, Vehicle and Urban/Rural
Tactical Civics Training - Tribe Up - in Active Clubs
Develop Community Networks (Encrypted Applications and develop on call aim for 10 folk in your vicinity and assure them you have got their back, and offer to walk, jog, train)
Private Security Businesses/Neighborhood Watch
Common Law; Jural Assemblies and Sheriffs Deputised [Group and Self Education Data Packs & Scenarios].
Digital Safety
Times have changed, risk perception and preparedness must be adapted in line with the uninvited waging a racial War on Whites evident through Statistics in our White Homelands.
Ideological Differences
Cultures traficked into our lands are looking for our finite resources,
and many have been indoctrinated to hate us to:
We appear easy picking for opportunists to Dominate our White Culture;
Our beautiful woman are the envy of all races, and many prey on the vulnerable.
Most see our inaction as weakness. Shouting racist makes us give up our civilization. That must change now.
See Appendix below.
TACTICAL WEAR R&D/Business Opportunity
Cut resistant gloves - elbow length available at the hardware store.
Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, and Batons are becoming a necessity! to keep the space.
Powerful flashlights can help - with Infrared to use at night too.
Safety Whistle is critical
Personal Self Defence and Situational Awareness.
Active Club Training with your Tribe
"> Knife attacks and chairs etc NB
Practical Unarmed COmbetant knife defence NB
Not advocating use of any unlawful activity or armaments whatsoever, but get into a fortification mindset and a confident peace force.
Home Security
Sliding Door Bars and Front Door Jambs
Tactical Torch, Club, Chair (see Rex Applegate PDF for knife safety defence)
Invest in Neck and body protection, a leather jacket and hood, stab proof gloves.
Mobile Security
URGENT get rid of Android and Apple these are garbage Operating Systems in bed with the Surveillence and Transhuman Agenda.
Linux Operating Systems
Heelground from the Heavy Duty smar tgrid
New Web Servers
Say an adversary arrives at an Individual’s home.
If this adversary has a larger network of allies from which to call to for aid, then the Individual would need a way to disrupt the adversary’s ability to communicate. If the Individual is successful, other adversaries would not receive distress calls. Any means to disrupt communications is vital to defending one’s territory. One way in which to do that includes a simple concept known as a “signal jammer”. Whether commercially bought or built at home, various laws govern the use of this apparatus. In order to be enacted, laws must identify the act. In order to be enforced, law enforcement must be able to identify the Individual and overcome one’s security.
Privacy is the concealing of the act.
Anonymity is the concealing of the identity.
Security is the defense of one’s will. more "The Art of Rebellion" knowledge:
Its time to make this type of safeguards a business!
Men can set up Armed Response like in South Africa! As Private Membership Associations.
Neighborhood watch systems.
Offine Communication w WiFi ROuter/Mobile and Sideband App.
Grid Free
Anonymity is the concealing of the identity.
Digital Apps: F Droid Appstore.
Skewy - White noise for when having a conversation to mask the surveil of voices.
ObscuraCam - to pixellate faces. Remove metadata
Shelter - a Sandbox App - (to isolate all Google etc apps on phone) Encrypted App w password.
Hey, I've been using Session to chat with complete privacy and security. Come join me! Download it at My Session ID is
Fake Traveller - use different geolocation
Proofmode - if you put geolocation and time - photos can be sent as evidence of crimes!
InviZible Pro - IP & Tor etc
SuperfreezZ - freeze unused Apps.
PixelKnot - Hidden Messages in Photos.
TorOnion - OnionShare
Share information with NotePad its the least able to be read with technology!
Put photos through Fawkes to remove Facial Recognition before posting them.
Physical Assualt Barriers/Apps for Sexual Assualt Prevention.
There are lockable belts too. The old Pink Mace worked well.
FAILS IN Anonymity (concealing of the identity).
Avoid all Whatsap p, Messengr, Instagr, Gmai l.
Mohamedan Foreigners Disrespect for Western Woman: For an Aryan man to meet an Islamic girl - her brothers or uncles must be being present;
An unveiled Aryan girl could be violated because she is alone, and not modestly dressed (primitive cult). Young boys get publically humiliated through being kicked and beaten.
A White woman or man that has taken narcotics and excessive alcohol - is an easy target, as is walking in attractive short skirts and non tactical high heels, with a mobile phone as an easy to steal item and a distraction for the woman that requires extra tactical awareness
Congoids and Bantu - whole cities, towns and countries are being taken over without having built the modern infrastructure. Higher offspring with fatherless parenting, lower investment on their education. rap music, and propoganda -have negatively impacted whites when becoming a majority in our societies. The analyses is based on the recent exponential increase in attacks on Whites; experience in all White countries under the current weaponised migration.
Regardless - once we are in minority; we get verbal abuse or called racist,
statistics of attacks, murder and rape of Whites is shameful.with torture not uncommon. Statistics show electric cord strangulation, hot water from kettles used, kitchen knives. Why do we leave these items available to potential attackers?
Kidnapping, Grooming, Sex Traficking and Murder - are common among Nigerian Invaders [South Africa, Europe and Canada]
Vandalism and crime with a racial motivation are common - the Knockout Punch being an example.
Gang attacks are a common feature of cowards
Anti-white abuse is reverse projected as Whites being racist.
This behaviour has many functions. One is to drive us out of residential areas in a search for work and safety. Businesses close due to a lack of investment or gangs runnin and robbing from malls.
We now have nowhere else to go; so that is a miscalculation on the part of the agressors.
Indian Invasion
Indian men have a reputation for inappropriate sexual advances; and gang rapes have become more common among lower castes.
A Euro-Canadian woman had her nose bitten off in a dispute after an argument when an adventure in Multicultural dating - turned culturally incompatible.
Indians are being given positions that European woman and men would have occupied in foodservice and shop keeping.
Most home deliveries and cab drivers are now Mohammedan and Indian men!
Economic and Societal Impacts
We are economically excluded through DEI ESG quotas.
We subsidise schooling, healthcare and medicine
The taxbase decreases so the facilities do not get upgraed.
We make homes available that our ancestors built, as White families are charged more due to home scarcity, and many default and are homeless in tents in parks
The Buildings commonly get hijacked, used by gangs for drugs and prostitution, and the fittings are sold, streets become the dumpsites, and the buildings become condemned.
The Problem with Canada - its the Wild West, there is no Constitution.
Last edited by Admin (11/12/2024 9:56 pm)