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[size=125]Declaration of our Global Aryan Language Families:
Earths diversity of flora, fauna, peoples are under industrial scale synthetic nano and frequency saturation, weather war and fauna biocides!
This Synthetic Agenda; coupled with "multi all against Aryan war, based on pseudoscience - will end mankind!
We have the will and knowledge to restore our living free "non digital twinned - smart dust saturated, surveilled Robotic Posthuman future!"
As Noble Leaders, Earth Stewards for World Peace.
Non Negotiable:
Our "White" Racial Families are Sacred.
Enjoy your visit. Appreciate Our ancient lands, civilization, culture, history, ecosystems, landscapes and companion flora and fauna, the mountains, seas and rivers.
Respect Our aboriginal brothers and sisters, we can not be divided and conquered. This is our birthright.
Our destiny demands
honesty in academia, finance, media & industry.
Outlaw of subversion and democide.
We Will End:
"Climate Emergency";
"Carbon Tax";
Climate Refugee" Quotas;
"Carbon De industrialise";
AI Carbon AntiWhite Score;
Forced Miscegenation;
Demographic Replacement;
Chemical Castration; C
oncentration Camps;
Reject Man Made Carbon Warming;
Reject Overpopulation Hoax;[/size]
We bridge divides, treat our self proclaimed adversaries with non acceptance of all unwarranted lies and agression, and demand peace, and will assist to relocate people to their tribal homelands and restore their infrastructure and tribbal land rights.
“All races have both the right and duty to pursue their destiny, the populist says, free from worries any other race will interfere with another. Interfering with another race takes many forms: Slavery or imperialist exploitation; the institution of social programs which would radically modify another race’s behavior; demands by one race for another to subsidize it financially or politically; criminal attacks by members of one race on another; and attempts by any racial minority to either divide or factionalize
the majority of the society- nation in which the minority lives, or stirring up racial animosities between minority races or between a faction of the majority and a racial minority.”
– Willis A. Carto, Editor, Populism vs. Plutocracy: The Universal Struggle
Multiculturalism is failing!
The Future! SocialGovernanceSystem.Org
A discussion concerning the role of command and control org structures (current coup attempt at New World Order) vs decentralized/agile and the Social Governance System.
Racial Cohesion and Integrity/Homelands and Diverse Racial Genetic Integrity
COuntries Steps against replacement migration or Weaponised Migration.
Last edited by Admin (9/26/2024 8:50 pm)
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