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Commonwealth Land Rights
The United Nations is in the process of a Coup de Etat. Their Aim is Land Rights Theft!
[size=125]The United Nations is a Corporation. A Legal Fiction.
EUroCanadians, Australians and Kiwis are being demonised along a narrative of them havibg culturally genocided aboriginal peoples and having arrived last and having tried to erase the culture - this is a ruse.
What is Denialism - in relation to Demonisation?[/size]
Read Rodney Clifton’s full article on C2CJournal here: ... If the far-left activists who have hijacked the Indigenous relations debate between the government and First Nations communities had their way, Rodney Clifton would be criminally charged with “residential school denialism.” Rodney, who lived in a residential school in the 1960s, has been calling out the inaccuracies in the modern description of residential schools and highlighting the benefits that the school system implemented. Rodney joined The Faulkner Show to discuss the facts about residential schools and the push from the far-left to criminalize “denialism.”
[size=125]Legislative Challenge to Challenge Systemic Opression
Land Grabs: 30 X 30 and Natural Asset Companies (NACS)
Agenda-21-how-to-stop-it-american-policy-center-special-report/ [size=150]The [/size][u]Land Rights Theft is now an Issue in Canada, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa
The Methods used are MarxismWordGrenadesTM[/u]
Racist, Coloniser, Settler, Genocide Allegations, Species Extinction, Climate Change, Missing Indigenous Woman (Red Dress), Missing Residential Schools (Orange Hand over Mouth)
Megaregions with Concentration Cities
Effectively the People are being Social Engineered off resource rich "Wildlands" using a range of warfare techniques; and into Megaregions. Ultimately this is about enslavement in 15 Minute Cities under the United Nations where Everyone is on the Blockchain Microchipped Cashless Digital Prison and Tracked using Sensors, and transacting not in Cash or Fungible Money, but on a Social Credit system, under saturation of Microwave Technology that is not safe, and forced to live within close proximity to the mass unvetted invaders - where there is increasingly mass atrocities against Whites particularly in the last 3 years.
wildlands-project.html 11
Dystopian criminalization of being natural and not surveiled or converted into transhumanist.
[size=100]U N Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples. UNDRIP. [/size]
The technique used are the weaponization-of-the-indigenous-peoples through NGO's. In the process spending decades to ensure the White Native American Heritage is obscured.
Rights of Indigenous People - but Indigenous is every countries non white - would by omission have right in Canada i.e. colonisation/replacement/invasion? Lets elaborate on the reason for this land claim - to take all the World's white peoples land rights away!
2021 census 1,807,250 natives,
5 percent of the population 2021-2022
25 Billion dollars doled out to natives;
2026-2027 it is expected the amount will climb to 35.5 Billion dollars !
Pierre endorsing UNDRIP and the Indian, Inuit, Mete (Askhenazi NGO's positioning themselves as benefactors of Land, Taxes and Mineral Rights), takeover of the land you paid for. He is spear heading an Indian tax on corporations now, but you will be next.
Land Theft but the Amerindians wont get the land either!
Giving the water rights away: a recipe for conflict maybe by design.
Criminal Demonisation of Canadians using Media & Visual Stunts, Psychological Warfare!
Narrative Terms: State-of-emergency-on-violence-against-indigenous-women , Justice Reconciliation Championing & Amplifying Indigenous Voices. Creating a network of collaborations and partnerships, we strive to decolonize (In Africa the Soviet/Cuban Jewry -Trained Marxists to Decolonised or Kill Whites)
Climate Emergency, UN Sustainable Development Goals. Circular Economy. King Charles, Metis (could be some Askhenazi too)
2019, under Mr. Obed’s presidency, ITK launched an Inuit-led response to climate change, the National Inuit Climate Change Strategy. It was accompanied by a $1 million implementation budget _ areas for Inuit!
World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) is Sitra’s global initiative that examines how businesses can gain a competitive advantage through a circular economy and how the circular economy contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Natan Obed i-am-inuk-natan-obed-on-his-complicated-childhood-challenging-questions-and-the-future-of-the-inuit-1.5083529
Indigenous justice and crime prevention, womens safety and wellness, education, cultural safety, Indigenous health and health promotion, reconciliation, youth programming, mental health, addictions and wellness, economic development, food security and Indigenous governance.Cassidy Caronn
President Caron said that relationships are built over 100 cups of tea and that she was pleased to be able to share the first cup of tea together and impart on The King the stories that come from communities as illustrative of the long relationship that has existed between the Crown and Métis communities.
His Majesty the King shared information about his interests and priorities, including climate change and Indigenous knowledge, housing and moving forward on issues related to reconciliation.
King Charles (Climate & Eco extremist)
Joanna Bernard assembly of first nations
Simon (IS THIS AMERINDIAN SURNAME) promised, as governor general, to “promote and recognize leading examples of community and Indigenous-driven conservation and of climate action” that can inspire “Canadians to do the same.”
› wiki › Leon_Simon_(Zionist) Leon Simon (Zionist) - Wikipedia Sir Leon Simon CB (11 July 1881 - 27 April 1965) was a leading British Zionist intellectual and civil servant who took part in the drafting of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and served on the Zionist Commission with Chaim Weizmann
[size=100]Residential Schools [/size]
Papal Apology (Theatre - HolyWar.org) an infiltrator!
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Greivance Industry Template tested to Scapegoat South Africans for being Victims of Soviet backed Terrorism while stealing their livelihoods and assets.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was established as part of a settlement between residential-school survivors, the churches that ran them and the federal government. From the 1880s until the last residential school closed in 1996, some 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis children were forced to attend (lie) government-funded schools run by Christian (Catholic) churches.
These Parties and Organisations are Unvetted by the Majority
Murray Sinclair (of the Sinclair Clan a 10 thousand year old Amerindian Clan)
a-champion-of-indigenous-rights-murray-sinclair-named-2022-loyola-medal-recipient.html (CA$ Rights)
Authentic Amerindian Surnames? Barnsley, Murray Sinclair, Justin Brake
Grave Error correcting-the-false-narrative-of-Canadas-missing-children/
After the announcement by T'kemlups First Nation of the “discovery” of unmarked graves, many politicians, Indigenous leaders, and media cast aside balance, restraint, and caution. This excellent collection edited by C.P. Champion and Tom Flanagan helps Canadians get beyond the Grave Error. Another 15 months go by and not one body has been found a total of 21 months of searching nothing has been found. Where is the apology from Aboriginals as part of their reconciliation.
Read the full story only at
There are no bodies - there was no genocide. =16.25pxWhere is the apology from Aboriginals as part of their reconciliation
Do people – clumped together by race or ethnicity or religion – carry a liability indistinguishable from their predecessors? Persuading a current generation to acknowledge the crimes of a preceding one has powerful moral value. But that is starkly different from shaming them for sins of forebears they did not even know. If we justify reprisals today for crimes done by long-dead people decades or centuries ago, it means we are recklessly introducing the poison of inter-generational vengeance into the community-reservoir of social harmony.
mind control sorcery techniques used
1. Victim pose/ possum play/ passive aggression/: portraying yourself as a victim or weak/inferior to disarm opposition by deceiving them into thinking you are not a threat to their power; also used to incur sympathy from others and turn them against threats to oneself (eg. one's own enemies);portraying oneself as a victim/ injured party to weaken opposition through feigning weakness often while subtlety/ guilefully injuring them
2. shaming/ demoralization: getting the opponent to turn inward and believe there is something wrong with them/ their (past) actions as a means of getting them to make concessions to you
middle man: role played between parties allegedly for their (mutual) benefit to derive personal advantage
3. Semantic twisting: pharasiacal interpretation of words or deliberate misuse/ wrenching from context to distort the meaning of words
4. interrogation:use of cross-questioning/ (socratic) dialectical techniques to establish the position of the Other/ascertain their opinion/ belief/ establish liability
5. emotionalize: introducing emotive content into relations with others(eg.discussion/debate) to create certain emotional reactions in the audience or interlocutors.To make an emotional issue arise where none existed before. Done through tone of voice; use of trigger/buzz words;actions/gestures,etc.
6. Nudge:i) control the options ii) shotgun clause iii) restrictive choice: i)engineering circumstances to enable oneself to control the outcome; ii)orchestrate/ represent circumstances such that the opponent has choices only in your favour (eg. lesser of two evils); iii) restrict their choices
7. Double Talk/ speak/ Newspeak/ Ambiguity:use of irrelevant,meaning less or ambiguous language to create confusion in the Othe
8. blame the victim: similar to reverse projection but differs in harming an opponent while blaming them for yor actions/ implicating them as the cause of their own suffering. We can not be exterminated with demonisation terms Racist, Colonist, Anti x y z!! Rather defend your people and right to exist, then be called any slurs than be extinct!
Are we vetting these foreign nationals posing as Justice Warriors while Undermining National Cohesion? No Global Justice warrior that did not build this nation, should be permitted to undermine cohesion and earn a wage - so why are their voices given weight?
Antigentile Hatespeech: colonial-patriarchal-structure, child victims (students), childhood denied (education), cant-just-get-over, anti-racism-engagement (
United Nations Indigenous and racialized youth and climate activists in so-called Canada - climate justice
The BIPOC2COP Project is a peer-support initiative, by and for BIPOC youth, launched in 2021 as a resource for Indigenous and racialized youth (Marxists?) participating in the yearly United Nations climate change conferences.
The project builds on over a decade of experiences from Indigenous, racialized, and youth climate activists in so-called Canada who have been advocating for climate justice in the yearly Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
theKIT: A Manual by Youth to Combat Racism Through Education (PDF)
The KIT came together through a national project of the United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) called the Youth Forums Against Racism. Around 100 youth between the ages of 14 and 26 participated in a series of regional forums held from May to July 2001. The Information section looks at current issues and key concepts in racism, and debunks a range of myths and misconceptions. Want to discuss privilege, practice intercultural communication, or hold a debate on racism in Canada? The Tools section includes a wide range of interactive workshops for a variety of ages and interests, as well as a step-by-step guide for organizing an activity. A multitude of books, films, youth organizations, and educational materials are listed in the Resources section for further reading, action, and inspiration! And, a timeline noting key moments in Canadian history relevant to racism and anti-racism runs throughout the KIT.
AntiRacism is White Genocide and Racism first used by [b]Leninist Stalin [/b]
Author Palmeter https://pampalmater.com/contact/
(ironic she is an ID thief herself but deflecting criticism by saying Whites do it; even though Whites are part of Geneology of N America))
vows-to-put-the-final-stake-in-colonialism-1.883538?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F half Mikimac half other nation
mind control sorcery techniques
1. shaming/ demoralization: getting the opponent to turn inward and believe there is something wrong with them/ their (past) actions as a means of getting them to make concessions to you (eg. the sins of the fathers)
2. divide and conquer/ playing both ends against the middle/ triangulation: get enemies to fight against each other to 'fall on their own swords'/ mutually destroy each other thereby subjugating opposition/ ingratiate oneself with one party and turn them against the other,etc.
3. scape-goating/ set-up-man/ framing/ frame-up/ transference /shifting blame/reverse projection/ tableturning/: setting up another as the villain to avoid culpability for one's own deeds; attributing to the attributor what he attributes to yourself
4, straw man: - Constructing a false identity of another to have others destroy them thinking it is their real identity; often comes in the form of smearing/ slandering the victim
Media propoganda world-press-photo-win-amber-bracken-residential-school, interview-with-amber-bracken-winner-of-the-2022-world-press-photo-of-the-year
Lying: ads@cultmontreal.com photo@amberbracken.com info@cultmontreal.com
State-of-emergency-on-violence-against-indigenous-women (BY INDIGENOUS MEN AGAINST INDIGENOUS WOMAN?)
Red dresses blew in the wind along the Alaska Highway into Atlin B.C. and lined the roads in the northern town. Shauna Yeomans-Lindstrom (Cultural & Identity Missapropriation) of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation hung the gowns to draw a subtle but stunningly powerful message about missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The Red Dress Project was installed at the 2018 Atlin Arts and Music Festival as part of a national movement. Bogucki
Stories North. transported 42 journalism students understanding and accountability as we grapple with the meanings of truth and reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. Stories North also seeks guidance on one of the most pressing issues facing the country: how can we collectively explain, hold ourselves to account and shift away from the inequities and injustices and ignorance around Indigenous peoples?
[color=var(--headingMediumColor)]Creating a network of collaborations and partnerships, we strive to decolonize and interrogate narratives[/color]
https://storiesnorth.com/blog/remembering-in-red Ahaa Red Dress MIW
Dana Hatherly - conflict zone in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, later returning to the country for fieldwork about social movements and social change.
Chris Rider - justice focused lens and together with First Nations, Inuit and Metis people.<br><br>A native of Australia, I've lived in Canada since 2011 and have a Masters (MARXISERS)...
Wood Buffalo National Park - Adam
Authentic Amerindian Surnames?: Shauna Yeomans-Lindstrom (BLM supporter), Waclw Boguck (Jewish Transgender), Sandra Schwartz, Chris Rider, Dana Hatherly
Quote: "It is in the jewish interest, it is in Humanities Interest that Whites experience a genocide. Until White children are burned alive, White Woman raped, mutilated, murdered and all White men who have not been slaughtered watch helplessly as their people are terrorised, only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss White priviledge and the aparent chip on the shoulder that minorities" [Majorities as White are under 7% Globally]] Ishmael Levitts
Antigentilism results in Property Right Loss like in Bolshevism and the Halidomor. The usual red herring ‘Anti-Semite’ Label is an Pejorative and does not serve as a cover for no Truth & Reconciliation for their Subversive actions in Asia, Africa and North America, primarily by using the Colonist/Racist narrativee, while being antigentile and anti-white!
White genocide plans both historical and contemporary.
Israel Cohen’s “Racial Program of the 20th Century” (racial mongrelization/ mixing and white marginalization);
Richard Coudenhove von Kalergi’s “Practical Idealism”(racial mongrelization of the white race);
"Germany Must Perish!" (forced sterilization advocated),Theodore N Kaufman;
Earnest Hooton plan (forced mongrelization of Germans with negros) (1943);
Henry Morgenthau,jr.”Germany is our problem: a plan for Germany” (genocide of German people).
The Jews are NOT Semites! Nor are they Hebrews Or Israelite’s. The ‘Anti-Semite’ Label is an Pejorative.
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3). Academic American Encyclopedia (1985): “Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are one of the two major divisions of the Jews, the other being the Shephardim.”
The Bible: Relates that the Khazar (Ashkenaz) Jews were/are the sons of Japheth not Shem: “Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth;…the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz…” (Genesis 10:1-3)
Therefore, the Bible proves that the Ashkenaz Jews [Khazars] are not the descendants of Shem and cannot be Semite. The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their writings. Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: Modern Jury is comprised of 95% Ashkenazi Talmudic Jews & 5% Shephardim Torah Jews.
This Shephardim minority are not Semites either…
The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives.
According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-19).
But it was really Islam that was the Jews’ oldest and most formidable weapon against greater Iran. Jews invented Islam. That’s why it calls for Tasleem, meaning surrender, and penalizes anyone who leaves the religion. Islam was designed as a devotional army serving the ultimate Jewish goal of invading the great Persian empire. Much later the Jews also invented the myth of king Cyrus saving them or the myth of Purim in order to self-aggrandize and back date themselves as an ancient people, which they are not.
Iranian archeology and historical artifacts all disprove any notion of a “Jewish” people. It’s only in the first century A.D. that any sign of Jewish practices appear and even those practices can’t be considered evidence of a separate group as they were common in the Arabian peninsula. Practices like veiling women or circumcision (of men and women!) were prevalent in North Africa and Arabian peninsula and thus Arab Jews incorporated them into Judaism and then into Islam. However, 1400 years ago, at the advent of Islam, the ideology was definitively a Jewish script for capture and decimation of the vast Iranian civilization.
PSYCHO-SOCIAL BEHAVIORAL TRAITS: wary/piercing voice: high-pitched; shifty/uncertain; flighty gestures: moves hands when talking speech/tone: jabbering; nervous; aggressive; whiney odour: unpleasant; 'dark'; negative; vampiric psychology: psychopathy; mendacity; surreptitious; obsessive-compulsive; neurotic
Genocide Term, is never Genocide if Jewry commit the Genocide.
Mar 2, 2022 The term "genocide", made from the ancient Greek word genos (race, nation or tribe) and the Latin caedere ("killing, annihilation"), was first coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish legal scholar, in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.It originally means "the destruction of a nation or an ethnic group". In 1946, United Nations (UN) General Assembly affirmed genocide as a ...
Lets look at a Real Reconciliation Need - CommunistJewryGenocideTM
Ethnic Cleansing Ukraine Halidomor experienced and there is evidence of 7 million plus White Peasant Farmers
Genociding humanity –
It did not go well for Africans neither for Wildlife:
Romeo Saganash Bill for UNDRIP
Jody Wilson-Raybould’s BCAFN Governance Toolkit: A Guide to Nation Building=19.5px.
Wilson-Raybould was born in Vancouver in 1971. Her mother, Sandra Wilson, a non-Indigenous teacher, separated from her father, the fiery First Nations leader Bill Wilson, before she can remember. Wilson-Raybould was raised by her mother, largely in Comox, B.C., on Vancouver Island, not far from the villages of her father’s Kwakwaka’wakw people. She says her parents stayed on good terms. Every spring and summer, along with her older sister, she would go on what she calls “the potlatch circuit.”
In 2008, she married Tim Raybould, who is non-Indigenous but has worked for decades as a consultant to First Nations groups. Raybould has a doctorate from the University of Cambridge in social anthropology and is now a professor at the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada in Montreal.
Weighing in at an intimidating 805 pages in its most recent edition, the Toolkit isn’t easy to summarize. Its starting point is dissatisfaction with the way B.C. First Nations—like about 400 other reserve communities across Canada—must operate under the outdated rules of the old federal Indian Act. The Toolkit methodically surveys the options for any First Nation that wants to negotiate self-government, including taking over jurisdictions, setting up a new administration and conducting community consultations. Instead, he made Wilson-Raybould minister of justice and attorney general of Canada—traditionally ranked around Ottawa, along with Finance and Foreign Affairs, as among the most prestigious cabinet portfolios. No Indigenous politician had ever risen that high in federal politics.
“All relations with Indigenous peoples need to be based on the recognition and implementation of their right to self-determination, including the inherent right of self-government.” For those who knew about the Toolkit, the detailed, systematic approach behind the 10 principles was more than familiar. Paul Martin vision-to-save-canada/
Athentic Amerindian Surname: Wilson Woodrow Wilson was a Hero to Jews. jewishvirtuallibrary.org›woodrow-wilson-was-a-hero-to-jews
[size=75]1. Amerindians longstanding amenable relationship with trade, business, negotiating, Nation Building and cultural respect with the majority demographic of Canada, is being undermined by a coordinated external effort.
2. The idea that International organisations can convince themselves that through demonisation of the Eurodescendents, they can liquidate and share the ill gotten gains at the expense of EuroCanadians - is a Gross Violation.
3. The attempt to expel "White" Civilization from Property Ownership, and concentrate them into CLIMATE SMART CITIES, is misguided.
It is premised on hysterical false narratives of genocide, climate breakdown, racism, species extinction and colonisation Hatespeech.[/size]
adhominem/ vilification/ mudslinging/ labeling/ defamation (slander=spoken /libel= written)ortrayal of an opponent in a negative light for the purpose of i) destroying or ii) exploiting them
html racism-2/
For a Race to Imply White People Genocided everywhere, Germany, America, Canada and then pretend there were never Whites in Ancient North America, demonisation!
Amerindians have a History of Hienious Anti-White Attacks - in the last 3 centuries.
The first acts of genocide were perpetrated by Native Americans against European settlers in Virginia and New England. The tradition was to exterminate entire villages. Several villages on the James River in Virginia were attacked, and 350 colonists slaughtered, many of them women and children and infants. A third of the British colony was slaughtered in just a few days; the natives entered villages unarmed, then picked up the colonists' tools and killed them with them. The practice of scalping was a Native American tradition, despite what is currently being taught (that Europeans introduced it). One practice of Native Americans was to tie captives with a long cord to a stake, form a circle around them, and then hack at them with knives and axes while the captives ran in a circle around the stake. Sometimes the "hacking" went on for hours.Lachine massacres?
Change of Place Names: Object to It. Here is a member of publics opinion! Why?If People Cant Read it how are they to understand it? F.N. had No Written Language. Every F.N. has Their Own Language and Dialect. I Respect a Persons Culture and Language but to have a Country or Nation you need a common language. Even the TOURISTS are mostly English or French Speaking. Who is Actually getting Paid to Make Up F.N. Written Languages when No One, including other F.N, can Spell or say the Names that F.N. are now plastering Everwhere? Most Canadian F.N. speak English as their first language, though there have been persistent efforts to preserve traditional F.N. languages, with Cree and Inuktitut remaining the best known and most widely spoken. Living “on reserve” exempts Native people from having to pay federal or provincial taxes, and, in most cases, entitles them to special grants to help pay for health care, post-secondary education, public transportation, and other social services. Aboriginal hunters and fishermen are likewise usually exempt from size and quantity restrictions, and if a reserve’s territory is lucky enough to contain natural resources such as oil or minerals, then the residents may be eligible to earn a cut of the royalties, too.I Respect Different Aspects of Their Culture Today but Also They Should Respect Mine.
Quit Tearing Down Statues and Monuments it's Also Your History, no matter how bad as well as others.
Maybe should also be asking Really what are the Heritage Chiefs, Elected Chiefs, Elected Councils etc REALLY Doing for All Their People? Wheres the Billions and Billions of Dollars Gone??
Why are Native Gangs being Allowed to Destroy their Own People on the Rezs? Why are the Youth Fleeing their homes? Where are the Leaders and Warriors Looking out for Their People? Wheres the Education for F.N. to Deal with this World??Here are some statistics from the Canadian government;
Also don't forget all the rest of the money the provinces are doling out to natives. So where does the money come from and Go ? Anthem?How About the All Canadian Anthem is Sung in English and French and the F.N. has their Own to be Sung at Events also? But since There Are DIFFERENT Dialects might Take Awhile to figure out which Dialect to Use? Or Maybe if the F.N. really think that History doesnt matter and since you Do Live in a Free(?) Society (Your Choice) DONT ATTEND ANY OF THE FUNCTIONS? Really wish People Read HISTORY?
What if the jews succeed? Feelings dont matter - integrity matters.
Last edited by Admin (9/26/2024 7:51 pm)
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