We Have to Stop Weather Warfare, and Not be Fooled into De-Industrialising for a SmartCity Imprisonment and Taxation/Loss of most All Heritage and Culture!
pinching the Ionosphere using Nano_Haarp, Smart Nano steering and use in fires,
weather warfare
temp meltig point
terraforming-of-earth.html is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.
Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by GeoengineeringWatch. org has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed?
THE DIMMING documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more.
This is the most complete documentary regarding climate engineering operations. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.
United_Nations Slavery
“Great Reset”... Klaus Schwabb is the head but all the top 500 CEOs and the billionaires are part of this group.
Digi Bio Conv
Outlaw Agenda
Utah UTAh Sovereignty Act
Creating a Natural Law Republic
Experts Warn – WEF’s Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4+ Billion People
Our Environmental Performance is World Leading - so dont be extorted. Send our Experts to Fix 3rd World Systems.
Self Determination
Claim on the Bond of the Politicians pushing economic loss
Political Reason
Financial Institution Common Sense
Green Technology Failures
"trash fed crickets" because...they hate us.
Rock Island, Il: Massive Fire At Cattle Barn
Key Points: WEF proposes criminalizing home gardening to combat ‘global boiling.’ Study claims home-grown food has higher carbon emissions than industrial food.
Globalist funding behind the study sparks controversy. In a move that’s stirring widespread debate, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for governments worldwide to outlaw home vegetable gardening, labeling it a contributor to ‘global boiling.’ This stance is supported by a contentious study from the University of Michigan, funded by WEF and other globalist entities, which suggests that the carbon footprint of home-grown produce far exceeds that of industrially farmed food.
I was initially told there is runaway climate change. I did state energy SEA in S Africa on Shale Gas Exploration. Attended CCS, Hydrogen and Oil Expos in Aberdeen & Renewable Expos in Africa. Worked on Methane from Landfill project. I consulted with Shells Gas Strategy for Europe. Lived at PDO Oman. My Neighbor is a Seismic Testing Specialist. 3 Continent of in-depth analyses and insights.
War on Pets
Now Klaus Schwab's CRONIES want to take your dogs and cats
We have hostile attempts to do Net Zero. 11 Megaregions
Analyst have stated this would result in 4 billion deaths. I actually know all too well of the Malthusian stream of ideology. We have a hysterical left narrative of Whites responsible for Climate Change. Of-course we require Hydrocarbons to avoid freezing. If this energy use is being used as justification to assert that the Primary Sector and Society must be Taxed - to Transfer the Wealth to the Global South (Climate Justice); while Exporting the Global South to Canada and Europe: then something is amiss.
Africa has vast Plays, Reserves, Exploration, Fields, Great Wealth be it Angola, Mozambique, Gabon, Nigeria, Ghana, Libya, Algeria. WE DO NOT OWE AFRICA MONEY. WE DONT OWE AFRICANS OUR LAND OR CAREERS!
Caucasians spent many hundreds of thousands of life years- building advanced countries for everyones benefit. South Africa was supplying power past the Equator at the cheapest prices in the world. Now there are 3 power outages per day. That is Marxism. The Caucasians were pushed out of the Energy Industry. Angola's vast gas fields taken over by Soviet and Cuban force; Angola Hydro Electric Dams stopped.
Here they are using Carbon Tax to fund Erasure and Replacement! Bringing in some non allies - possibly with the aim to control mineral resources.
If you and your industry peers want to trust the nefarious swindle - please do not respond to me. However, my duty as an Earth Steward, a Son of the Industrial Responsible Western kind Civilization - have to warn you. The plan is de-industrialization, and you need the best to navigate this NGO, U N Politically Motivated Wealth Transfer. If you can save billions on unnecessary taxes, and keep Logistics, Agriculture, Energy Affordability and Economic Resilience - you might just save Western civilization. But we have to act fast.
The Demonization of Western Nations as Carbon Villains is absurd.
The internationalists believe we are stupid and their solution to this non problem is an attempt to say Indigenous and POC will save the World. It is the Club of Rome, U N and their cohorts.
Climate Smart Cities? Scam! The Pollution went from clean exhausts to Microwave Radiation Saturation
Artificial Intelligence And CBDC Is Here To Destroy Humanity FOREVER
Sustainability and eternal life technology are TWO sides of the same AGENDA
Domestic Oil Shale is Environmentally Responsible and Technologically Clean. Shale Gas is no longer contingent on HVHF of Fracking using Proppant, Water and Chemicals.
Methane and Carbon Dioxide are not harmful.
Hostile countries, nefarious NGO's, religious dogmas/failed political ideologies be disguised as EnvironmentalSM, being used to try cull farm animals, cripple fertilizer and overtax fuel for farm machinery that feeds our little children that are the world to us all!
The money goes to build expensive failing Wind farms the one out at sea has 5 of 15 turbines still working. PEI is still paying them off. EV cars/buses are catching alight and unregulated Congo mining by kids? No, I will stnd ny my Men in the North Sea and Canada. All while the decent hard working Canadians go into recession (>16% from Carbon tax).
Next try a Carbon Credit Score, on Per Kapita and Unit of Emissions. The goal is $8 Trillion by 2050.
That means these entities will try eliminate FARM ANIMALS, MEAT, PETS, CARS, PRIVATE PROPERTY, FLIGHTS (1 in 3 years), OIL - to return Gas after Net 0 at 2050.
This is ironic as Maurice Strong was part of PetroCanada, but also made the Club of Rome, Limit to Growth, Overpopulation etc narrative. They call for a new Civilization. That new civilization is anti civilization. It is 15 minute cities that have a SocialCredit and are surveilled w 4567Gen, public transit,
We have had a senate in a US State propose a bill to ban Weather Warfare. Now this is how we get our Planet back. We stop letting our wealth be misappropriated to harm us; poison, replace and damage our property and demonise us in the process while taking our birthright and trying to sterilize us! It's that crystal clear. Fight this at every level because our survival depends on not being liquidated.
Justice for claiming others Achievement without Working for it, they must build their own civilization in another country not parasite on ours, and Environment is not M@rxism Battleground.
The 2 are diametrically opposed. In Zimbabwe after the Mxst took over - many elephants on reserves were poached with
landmines, and rhinos set upon w fire and chainsaws. The Caucasians preserved the most African big Game with lots of antipoaching effort and life lost. The Marxsts can not
tell us about the Environment.
Kalergi Plan. (Migration and Populations Mixing into 1 Race). War Crime.
This is the same people that tricked us into W w 2 - talking about migration and rape. All while lobbying for Stopping Oil, and Lobbying and Fasttracking both good and Hostile Dysfunctional countries peoples through Open Borders.
I feel we Caucasians have suffered in silence long enough - we worked hard for a safe advanced country that benefits the Amerindians and Canadians, and now we have an obligation to set boundaries on our resources.
White Slavery - It is Ongoing! climate-change-refugees-the-disregarded-category-of-forced-migrants/
Kalergi Plan - Part of the Climate Justice Climate Refugee Narrative.
The historical record tells us that “American [J] slave-owners quickly began breeding the white women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit”, but this expression denies a brutal truth. The white women, especially the Irish, were simply stripped naked and repeatedly raped until they were pregnant, then kept in that condition. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the master’s free workforce. Even if an Irish woman managed to obtained her
freedom, her children would remain slaves and she would seldom abandon them, thereby remaining in servitude. Other American masters found a better way to use these white women – who were in many cases girls as young as ten or twelve – to increase their market value by breeding them with African men to produce slaves with a “mulatto” complexion which brought a higher price than their Irish livestock.
This practice of interbreeding White females with African men became so long-term and widespread that legislation was passed forbidding the practice because this production of offspring interfered with the profits of a large Jewish slave trader. The more perverse versions of Judaism also played a part. One of the reasons the African slave trade began was that African slaves were “not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology” that infected the Irish. In part because of
this, African slaves became more expensive to purchase and were often treated far better than their White counterparts. Black slaves were indeed cruelly used but not often worked to death as were the Whites who were available for almost nothing and were fully expendable. Upon arrival in America, these White British would be stripped naked, put in chains, and paraded on the auction floor where they were probed, examined and sold like livestock.
Can you imagine the World with only 1 Species of Tree? What does this mean for our children's safety - to have unrestricted unvetted.
$8Trillion Deindustrialization Looting Carbon Tax.
Carving up and liquidating our civilization. Most of this terrible plan funding would be coming from O&G
Carbon Taxation. Its called the 4IndRevolution. Mankind will be treated as climate injustice carbon criminals simply for living!
Supremacy as Terror - this is very scary!
What the TheresaTam from CHina via Hong Kong is saying - Drivers of Climate Change are White Supremacy and Colonialism - 100% LANGUAGE SQUATTING
Civil Rights PsyOp 150 million attacks on Whites in US since 1960 -
little-ice-age-death-55-million-indigenous-people-colonization-study/ WHY DID BOLSHEVISM NOT COOL THE CLIMATE
White Supremacy - is Demonization. Its hate speech. Do you want to see how many whites get killed every year in the USA?
Our Universities are Captured by Tribes that Hate Whites!
prince-charles-is-calling-for-a-martial-law-plan-for-climate-change/750/2 pets he is not a royal
Stopping Scientific Fraud.
ABSTRACT. Although science is our most reliable producer of knowledge, it can also be used to create ignorance, unjustified doubt, and
misinformation. In doing so, agnotological practices result not only in epistemic harms but also in social ones. A way to prevent
or minimise such harms is to impede these ignorance-producing practices.
Methane Pledge by What Tribe
Earth Science CAPTURED BY MARXIST. The Narratives. Colonialism (debunked Whites always occupied N America), Residential School Geno (debunked), Racism (debunked), CO2 as Pollutant Debunked),
Tikkun Olun T@lmud Noah ide (making Right), Kalergi White Bastardization Engineered - by White Genocide to Cool the Climate (Debunked).
Its all here man up take charge of destiny.
Inside the J_wess mind?
good guys
Climate change catastrophism is a cultural disease haunting Western society. Andy West’s excellent study of this problem explains the different drivers
of this disease. It is an important contribution to a debate where reason must prevail Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University
of Kent.
The results are clear: changes in CO₂ concentration cannot be a cause of temperature changes. On the contrary, temperature change is a
potential cause of CO₂ change on all time scales. As we conclude in the paper, “All evidence resulting from the analyses of the longest
available modern time series of atmospheric concentration of [CO₂] at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, along with that of globally averaged T, suggests
a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. This direction of causality holds for the entire
period covered by the observations (more than 60 years).”
Book: The Global Warming Hypothesis is an Unproven Hypothesis, Dr. Nakamura explains why the data foundation underpinning global warming
science is “untrustworthy” and cannot be relied on:“Global mean temperatures before 1980 are based on untrustworthy data,” writes
Nakamura. Before full planet surface observation by satellite began in 1980, only a small part of the Earth had been observed for
temperatures with only a certain amount of accuracy and frequency. Across the globe, only North America and Western Europe have
trustworthy temperature data dating back to the 19th century.”From 1990 to 2014, Nakamura worked on cloud dynamics and forces
mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales. His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology),
Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.He has published 20+ climate papers on fluid dynamics. There is no questioning
the man’s credibility or knowledge base.Today’s ‘global warming science’ is akin to an upside down pyramid which is built on the work
of a few climate modelers. These AGW pioneers claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recently rising
temperatures and have then simply projected that warming forward. Every climate researcher thereafter has taken the results of these
original models as a given, and we’re even at the stage now where merely testing their validity is regarded as heresy.
What is Energy Security:
Diversified portfolio of energy suppliers reduce vulnerability to disruptions
Minimal transportation
Energy independence perceived as domestic supply!
LaCasse & Plourde (1995) & Cohen et al.(2011)
Churches Treason
Climate refugees & payments to Africa (via usurpers).
1United Nations, “Adoption of the Paris Agreement”, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (12 Decemeber 2015), pg. 1
2 International Organization on Migration, “Migration and Climate Change”, online via:
3 Hollifield, M., Thompson Fullilove, M., Hobfoll, S. E., “Chapter 8: Climate Change Refugees” in Climate Change and Human Well-Being (Inka Weissbecker edition, 2011)
4 United Nations, Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967, Article 1
5 United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 14
Here are their lackeys:
Bill Frelick, Refugee Rights Director at Human Rights Watch, is calling for an expansion of the definition of refugee to include claims based on risks from climate change
Bill Frelick | Human Rights Watch
WebMay 26, 2015 · Bill Frelick, director of Human Rights Watch's Refugee and Migrant Rights Division, monitors, investigates, and documents human
Colonialism Rainb0w Flag
Last edited by Admin (4/19/2024 8:51 pm)
Bill Blocking WHO, UN, and WEF from Imposing 'Rule, Regulation, Fee, Tax, Policy, or Mandate of Any Kind' Passes Louisiana Senate"The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana."In a landmark move on Tuesday for State sovereignty and local governance, the Louisiana Senate passed Senate Bill No. 133, a piece of legislation aimed at significantly limiting the influence and jurisdiction of certain international organizations within the state
Last edited by Admin (4/19/2024 6:52 pm)