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European/ Aryan Branches and their Distinct Global Civilization and Cultures - are being attacked. Geographical Homelands or European, Aryan, and White Nations are having a Coordinated Demographic Replacement & Mass Mortality!
The Supremacist Racial Sect that controls the Money - has coordinated this attack. Traditionally Free traditional lands enjoyed by all able ages in safety while visiting for tourism and returning to their ethnic countries, is now nearing an irreversible demographic decline and nmerous means to inflict harm to the group. The insult is that the people are being blamed for doing what is being done to them. Reverse Projection by the Pied Piper that promises and regulates to transfer the means of survival to hundreds of millions of mostly unqualified and unvetted demographic replacement mainly single males.
This suffering from attacks and genocide, and economic exclusion, demands for subsidization, Sharia and Quota laws, and replacement migration is real. It is a crime against humanity based on the attacks, and evidence of incitement to commit murder. .
The Immigration departments of all White countries have been occupied by a colonising force - by an ethnicity that fiercely defends their right to ethnic state and racial homogenity.
would not like White people to have White countries anymore, using a false narraive of being opressed and turned into soap! All while systematically culling near on 1 Billion of our ryan European peoples through their proxy conflicts and population control, debilitating toxins in too many aspects of our lives to mention.
The U N & W H O are controlled by Hostile countries!
Many Indigenous Pensioners and Families are under Economic Terrorism
UK Basic State Pension - £82.45 per week.
Migrants can claim PIP- Max - £608.13 per month. Plus, ESA - £353.12 per fortnight. Not to mention Housing Benefit, Council Tax Exemption, Child Allowance, and Tax credits. And all, without contributing ONE SINGLE PENNY!
Whole Countries are having Unvetted Invaders moved into settlements within their communities, that they are made to subsidise. The results are evidence in Africa and Europe - burglary, assualt death, home invasion and rape are war crimes.
HUD Unveils Massive Integration Plan HUD intends to submit a new rule proposal in April targeting massive desegregation of each of the nation’s more than 74,000 census tracts.
Europe Black Asian & Middle Eastern cities
US Sanctuary Cities
Europe BAM cities
Invasion Agencies
Different Races Exist, and We Celebrate Our Colorful Eropean Nations with the largest variety of hair, eye and skin colors.
The South African ANC-Yiddish occupied regime persecutes Afrikaners by Economic exclusion, making them homeless and cutting their charities by refusing them access to Paypal; denying government food-stamps; cutting off their electricity; demolishing their shacks=1em…Apartheid means Anti White.
The South African Government was defending itself from a Coordinated War on Southern Africa and systematic internal guerilla attacks on civilians in which the majority of the deaths were blacks kiled by insurgents, even set alight with fuel and tires. .
The South African Government never Genocided any Africans, but had reports on the economics and development - that were ignored by International Community. 2024-03-03 - 3 - Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 18 – Hypocrisy at The United Nations[color=var(--text-color-high)].mp3 [/color] Since June 2012, we have reported that some 134 new internal refugee camps were formed by white, mostly Afrikaner homeless families: their homelessness is being caused by well-organized, violence-driven ethnic cleansing of once-thriving Afrikaner towns together with the results of the ANC regime’s anti-white job laws, the Black Economic Empowerment acts and its many amendments barring whites from the job market
Space van Adriana | Afrikaner Boer Genocide Archive South Africa (wordpress.com)
In July 1998, the South African government’s president at that time, Thabo Mbeki, signed the Rome Statute and it was ratified (i.e. registered in its legal systems): placed in the Government Gazette as Nr. 27 of 2003.
The South African government with this order above, undertook to administer its requirements regarding the registration, investigation and archiving all ‘genocidal hatecrimes’ in South Africa.
They ‘forgot’ to create a special category for such crimes on their SAPS MASS computer system, however.
The Institute for Security Studies document shows however that the South African government never issued an order to the SA Police Service to create a category so that private citizens can lodge formal charges under the Rome Statute:ICCVisits@icc-cpi.intContact us (icc-cpi.int)Fadi.El-Abdallah@icc-cpi.int
The ANC-regime lied when it claimed that ‘the Rome Statute is being implimented on municipal level”. And this lie is being spread throughout the UN structures, the EU countries, the International Criminal Court and it was even announced at the World Summit of 2005. Foreign governments’ representatives are not going to go to a South African police station to verify whether citizens can lodge complaints under the Rome Statute.
members of the Opposition, non-governmental organisations and members of the public to raise complaints about the South African government’s non-compliance in regards to its signature on the Rome Statute.Under the Rome Statute to which South Africa is a signatory, the SAPS is required to register any offences such as those under Article 6: as below i.a.:Genocide:
[*]the murders of members of a group with the intent to destroy the group in its entirety OR PARTIALLY;
[*]If any serious critical injury is sustained by members of such a targetted group
[*]If any emotional of psychological injury is inflicted to members of the targetted group.
[*]The deliberate destruction of the targetted group
In July 1998, the South African government’s president at that time, Thabo Mbeki, signed the Rome Statute and it was ratified (i.e. registered in its legal systems): placed in the Government Gazette as Nr. 27 of 2003.
Organised Crime Unit was ordered to investigate crimes under Rome Statute
According to the SA presidential proclamation of 25 March 2003 the National Prosecuting Authority – and specifically the Unit for Organised Crime – were ordered under the provisions of the Rome Statute to ‘manage and direct the investigations and procecutions of crimes.” This order meant that the South African government had to upgrade its police service’s ‘MASS’ to allow members of the public to place formal charges under the Rome Statute at any SA Police Station. The upgrading of the MASS system was NOT undertaken.
Members of the public cannot lodge any charges of genocide in any South African police station.
What does that mean for South African citizens – and specifically by the Afrikaner minority group which is quite clearly being targetted by genocidal behaviour from members of the black majority? Even if a specific crime can be described as ‘genocidal’ as specified under the Rome Statute of the ICC, no person in South Africa can lodge a formal charge at any SA Police Station because the SA computer system does not have such a crime-specification.
source documentation:
Hatecrimes recorded by private criminologists in South Africa from June 1 2012: African states should impliment the recommendations for local prosecutions under Rome Statute:
The Trust Fund for Victims [ONLY POC CAN BE VICTIMS?]
International Criminal Court
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10
2597 AK The Hague
The Netherlands
Contact information | The Trust Fund for Victims Contact information | The Trust Fund for VictimsICCVisits@icc-cpi.int
White Slavery must be Financially Compensated
Slavic SLaves
12 minutes
The Muslims were perhaps the world’s biggest enslavers, an estimated 19 million people becoming the victims of Islamic slavery
Chimneysweep Slaves Boys White Tiny
Evidence of International Finance Families Incitement of Invaders for Violence against White People:
rckrflr art etc
Kalergi plan
crim isrl e u jjjj
White Attacks ANTIWHIT RACISM (so called civil rights to kill whites and blame them for killing them!)
So who is behind 150 million attack on Whites in US since 1960 -
African care worker allegedly raped 21 elderly women in retirement home
It is often the weakest members of society who fall victim to imported crime. A particularly drastic case of this kind occurred in Ireland:
a black male nurse is suspected of having raped or abused 21 senior citizens in retirement homes. The number of unreported cases could be much higher - investigations are still ongoing.
Sweden Finland
Currently Sweden is undergoing a ‘crisis of violence’ of its own (CAPTURED POWER STRUCTURE) making: Apartment blocks blown apart by bombs; video footage of a teenage boy being “executed” by gunmen – these are the kinds of atrocities you might expect in war-torn Syria, said Peter Wennblad in Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm).
Yet they’re happening right here in Sweden: the country is experiencing a “crisis of violence” that is taking on the characteristics of civil war. Bomb attacks are a regular occurrence: 134 so far this year, up from 90 in all of 2022. Gun violence has soared to levels unheard of in other European states: 62 people died in shootings in Sweden last year, a per capita gun-murder rate roughly 30 times higher than London’s.
Almost 19,000 children have been sexually groomed in England in the past year, according to official figures that have prompted warnings of an “epidemic”. Campaigners say the true figure is far higher and accused the government of failing to tackle child sexual exploitation, despite promises made after high-profile cases in Rotherham and Rochdale.
More than 18,700 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation were identified by local authorities in 2018-19, up from 3,300 five years before. They cannot even call things what they were and are. It’s not grooming, it’s rape. They’re not just “Asian gangs”, they’re Muslim gangs.
Characteristics that have resulted in the West being economically and ethnically homogenous, include genetic traits related to creativity and intelligence. Achievement not Priviledge.
Canada Population Predictions
The BIPOC2COP Project is a peer-support initiative, by and for BIPOC youth, launched in 2021 as a resource for Indigenous and racialized youth participating in the yearly United Nations climate change conferences.
“Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement as an Instrument of Coercion; Strategic Insights” As well documented in this document from 2010:
This plays hand in hand with the United Nations plan, and offers a strategic look at how to invade countries with foreign “migration armies”, using coercion tactics i.e. “threats, intimidation, or pressure”
“Coercive engineered migrations (or coercion-driven migrations) are “those cross-border population movements that are deliberately created or manipulated in order to induce political, military and/or economic concessions from a target state or states.”
Don’t think for a second our Military is coming to “save us” from Mass Migration INVASION, when they literally helped write the book on it!
It’s a directive straight from the United Nations that goes back to 2000, which is around the same time “Replacement Migration” from third world, and sub-Saharan countries was also implemented across the European Union.
Why do you think “Mass Migration” is part of the “Sustainability Goals” of UN Agenda 2030???
Climate, Religious SUpremacists Sect Ferugees and Net0
German TV Promotes Great Replacement Climate Plan: Stop Having White European Children 'Aryan CO2 Emitters,' Import Third World Migrants Instead_
Professor Hein de Haas Professor - punctured the myth of the link between climate change and refugees.
How migration really works' by migration scientist Hein de Haas. he examines 22 myths. predictions about mass migration from the global 'south' to the global 'north' as a result of climate change have no scientific basis.
'Both migration and climate change are currently a hype, and when they become interconnected, it often leads to dramatic scenarios. “Climate change” would lead to 'large-scale migration', and perhaps lead to violence, which in turn would lead to refugee flows. This creates a great political and social urgency to 'do something about it'. Professor of Human Geography Ton Dietz wrote in 2018:
tikkum-olum-to-vreate-partnerships-and-end-climate-change TIKKUM DEVASTATED BLACK PROSPERITY
We have little chance w the churches as they are almost all onboard w the Sustainable White Genocide!
Most of Europe is now DESTROYED & UNRECOGNIZABLE as a result. It will NEVER be the way it used to be, as most family lineage has been erased, and replaced.
Europe was just a test phase, which was wildly successful. America is the TRUE TARGET.
Historic American Civil War - a White Depopulation blaming blacks funded by Bankers and Slave Traders
A Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an “international banking syndicate” decided to pit the
American North against the South as part of a “divide and conquer” strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated,
“The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were
afraid that the United States…would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed.”
The historical record tells us that “American [J] slave-owners quickly began breeding the white women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit”,
but this expression denies a brutal truth. The white women, especially the Irish, were simply stripped naked and repeatedly raped until they were pregnant, then kept
in that condition. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the master’s free workforce. Even if an Irish woman managed to obtained her
freedom, her children would remain slaves and she would seldom abandon them, thereby remaining in servitude. Other American masters found a better way to use these
white women – who were in many cases girls as young as ten or twelve – to increase their market value by breeding them with African men to produce slaves with a
“mulatto” complexion which brought a higher price than their Irish livestock.
This practice of interbreeding White females with African men became so long-term and widespread that legislation was passed forbidding the practice because this
production of offspring interfered with the profits of a large Jewish slave trader. The more perverse versions of Judaism also played a part. One of the reasons
the African slave trade began was that African slaves were “not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology” that infected the Irish. In part because of
this, African slaves became more expensive to purchase and were often treated far better than their White counterparts. Black slaves were indeed cruelly used but
not often worked to death as were the Whites who were available for almost nothing and were fully expendable. Upon arrival in America, these White British would
be stripped naked, put in chains, and paraded on the auction floor where they were probed, examined and sold like livestock.
Currently Sweden is undergoing a ‘crisis of violence’ of its own making:
Apartment blocks blown apart by bombs; video footage of a teenage boy being “executed” by gunmen – these are the kinds of atrocities you might expect in war-torn
Syria, said Peter Wennblad in Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm).
Yet they’re happening right here in Sweden: the country is experiencing a “crisis of violence” that is taking on the characteristics of civil war. Bomb attacks are
a regular occurrence: 134 so far this year, up from 90 in all of 2022. Gun violence has soared to levels unheard of in other European states: 62 people died in
shootings in Sweden last year, a per capita gun-murder rate roughly 30 times higher than London’s.
Almost 19,000 children have been sexually groomed in England in the past year, according to official figures that have prompted warnings of an “epidemic”.
Campaigners say the true figure is far higher and accused the government of failing to tackle child sexual exploitation, despite promises made after high-profile
cases in Rotherham and Rochdale.
More than 18,700 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation were identified by local authorities in 2018-19, up from 3,300 five years before.
They cannot even call things what they were and are. It’s not grooming, it’s rape. They’re not just “Asian gangs”, they’re Muslim gangs.
Spiritual Strength
A message against hate -
Full Article:
Never is Now - never [url=Water Well Poisoning ]Poisoning the Wells[/url]?Evil Nazis Genociding humanity
“The Holocaust is [NOT] a successful historical fiction.” – Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman
German Prisoners were mistreated worse than we treat farm animals, allies starved and violated children. Germans are still paying,
Germanophobia is the propoganda to harm Whites. Its not acceptable anymore.
Psychological Abuse of Canadians to prevent Opposition to School Children Demographics being replaced by International Children predominantly POC (Replacement demographically)
Removal attempt of Land Rights from White Canadians
Last edited by Admin (4/08/2024 1:12 am)
Atlantic Canada - White Elders threatened w eviction to house International Corporations Employees that are Non White Canadian.
tried to evict white seniors in order to house their replacement foreign workers. they even threatened the tenents if they talked about it. it was stopped for the moment but anti white racism is a war crime and DP Murphy Inc is Complicit and May try again. Boycot them call them out make them pay.
Kalergi, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Practical Idealism, European Unification
The Book Practical Idealism Practical Idealism by Coudenhove-Kalergi (English Translation)
Last edited by Admin (4/08/2024 2:40 pm)
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