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We are mentally enslaved, through corporations that now have an increasing monopoly on aggressive means to further reduce freedom, while demanding resources and capitalizing on our personal data!
Digital Slavery Wars & Neurorights: Very shortly Mankind may be threatened with Converging Digital Technology with the Biological, and the present danger exists of Neurorights Violations, and Mind Entrapment for inciting harm against Tribes.
Barbery Slavery
American White child slaves
Chimneysweep Slaves
Most Slaves in America were White.....More whites brought as slaves to North Africa by Muslims than blacks to US white slaves. "White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.”
Irish Slavery
Slavic SLaves
Buy and Sell Slaves
Turkish Ottoman treatment of WHite slaves
The Muslims were perhaps the world’s biggest enslavers, an estimated 19 million people becoming the victims of Islamic slavery
Slavery Cotton Pickers
The historical record tells us that “American [J] slave-owners quickly began breeding the white women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit”,
but this expression denies a brutal truth. The white women, especially the Irish, were simply stripped naked and repeatedly raped until they were pregnant, then kept
in that condition. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the master’s free workforce. Even if an Irish woman managed to obtained her
freedom, her children would remain slaves and she would seldom abandon them, thereby remaining in servitude. Other American masters found a better way to use these
white women – who were in many cases girls as young as ten or twelve – to increase their market value by breeding them with African men to produce slaves with a
“mulatto” complexion which brought a higher price than their Irish livestock.
This practice of interbreeding White females with African men became so long-term and widespread that legislation was passed forbidding the practice because this
production of offspring interfered with the profits of a large Jewish slave trader. The more perverse versions of Judaism also played a part. One of the reasons
the African slave trade began was that African slaves were “not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology” that infected the Irish. In part because of
this, African slaves became more expensive to purchase and were often treated far better than their White counterparts. Black slaves were indeed cruelly used but
not often worked to death as were the Whites who were available for almost nothing and were fully expendable. Upon arrival in America, these White British would
be stripped naked, put in chains, and paraded on the auction floor where they were probed, examined and sold like livestock.
WHO Child Kidnapping & Trafficking's Threat
Contrary to African Studies Propoganda - White Explorers Ended Slavery where they settled.
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