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Banks are getting signup without full disclosure. What is there to lose?
Example: TD WANTS YOUR PRIVATES. So Does the Canadian GovernmentTD Bank has changed your Cardholder and Electronic Financial Services Terms and Conditions (CEFST).
The deadline to say NO to these changes is Apr. 24. You have to do this at your branch and ask what ‘no’ would mean for you.On page 9 of TD Cardholder and Electronic Financial Services Terms and Conditions (search), Section 1.2 of Access Agreement states that part of your data is your ‘credentials’ that include biometrics and Section 1.3 states that with your card, credentials, or PIN you can “access certain services and platforms provided by affiliates of TheToronto-Dominion Bank.” Who are these ‘affiliates’ that will also have access to your biometric and other data and what will they do with it? (Biometrics: facial features, voice patterns, fingerprints, palm prints, finger and palm vein patterns, DNA, retina, iris, gait, odour/scent, shape of ears, and behavioral patterns, and more).Canada’s digital future is being led by the Digital Identification and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) and TD is a member: (See ‘Membership.’)
Are these among TD’s affiliates?THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT has quietly begun the creation of Personal Information Banks (PIB) (see back of pg.) to collect and store data on Canadians without their knowledge or consent.IS ALL THIS DATA COLLECTION IN PREPARATION FOR DIGITAL ID AND CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY?
Central Bank Digital Currency Explained - MUST WATCH! Cashless Society and the Looming Smart Money Nightmare ⏩
Personal Information Bank (PIB)
The federal government has quietly begun the creation of Personal Information Banks (PIB) to collect and store data on Canadians. We were not consulted nor informed about the creation or existence of these databases and they are being collected without our permission or knowledge. Categories of information include biometrics (DNA, blood type, eye/facial scan, fingerprints, etc.), personal biography, medical history, financial history, credit information, opinions or views of or about individuals, and much more.Here is a link to the government website describing the PIBs. Scroll to the last section for Categories of Information:
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has quietly added it to their Privacy Terms so that in order to submit an application for benefits, such as the One-Time Housing Top Up they started offering in December, you must click that you agree to terms including “. . .being described in Personal Information Bank (under development)" in order to submit your application.
It is also a term in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) application. It quite likely will be a term for submitting your income tax return, so read those Privacy Terms when filing your taxes this year!The federal government is using the federal health transfers to bribe the premiers to adopt a Big Tech-style data-for-services health care system. This means that your personal health records that used to be private and confidential between you and your doctor will now be entered into the PIBs to be shared between the federal government, their stakeholders, and whoever else they decide can have access to it.They lay it all out in their 2022-23 Departmental Plan - Health Canada. There is no mention of hiring health care workers. It's all data, digitization, AI, vaccines and so on.This is a big deal. Now is the time to make some noise. If you have a podcast, a following, a blog, a friend, please get the word out. Flood the PM, the premiers, the ministers, the CRA, anyone you can think of, with letters and phone calls. They do not have the right to just start stealing our personal information and using our own tax dollars to bribe us into compliance.What they do have is a lot of nerve!• Statistics Canada is paying Saskatchewan residents for their biometric data.Search Article: Extensive StatsCan health survey hassles Swift Current Residents• For more information on central bank digital currency, go to nodigitalprison.com• What does SMART mean? - Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
Last edited by Admin (3/09/2024 8:52 pm)
Quantum Dots + Quant Currency = Total Control
Quantum Dots = Using an invisible quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch. - READ - Why Did Epstein and Gates Fund MIT? - READ - Why Was Marina Abramović Featured During the Microsoft 2020 Easter Commercial? - WATCH - Why Is the Spirit-Cooking Sado-Masochistic Marina Abramović Advising the Celebrities That Are Pushing the Great Reset Narrative? - READ - Why Did the Spirit-Cooking Sado-Masochistic Marina Abramović Create the Crystal Wall of Crying for Ukraine?
Watch at 5 Minutes and 10 Seconds -
Quant Is “Creating the Right Ecosystem for Central Bank Digital Currencies” = What Does Quant Mean? The word “Quant” is short for quantitative analysis (quants use computers to tell them what to buy or sell)What Is Luciferase?
- Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein. The name was first used by Raphaël Dubois who invented the words luciferin and luciferase, for the substrate and enzyme, respectively.[1] Both words are derived from the Latin word lucifer, meaning "lightbearer", which in turn is derived from the Latin words for "light" (lux) and "to bring or carry" (ferre).
- luciferase, enzyme manufactured in the cells of certain organisms to control bioluminescence. The widespread bioluminescence of such living organisms as fireflies, various marine organisms (see marine bioluminescence), and a number of algae, fungi, and bacteria is based on the oxidation of any of several organic molecules known as luciferins in the presence of the corresponding luciferase. The name comes from the Latin word lucifer, meaning “light-bearing.”Why Are Luciferase-Based Biosensors Being Used to During the COVID-19 Pandemic? READ – How Is Luciferase Being Used? Why Does the Patent for Fusion proteins containing luciferase and a polypeptide of interest Exist? - READ - Why Does Patent Exist That Recommends Vaccination Based Upon Receiving Information About a Subject, Analyzing the Information, Generating a Score, Optionally Allocating In Score Group and Vaccinating According to the Score Exist? What Does the Patent for Methods and Systems of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing An / Or Activities While Protecting the Privacy of Individual Exist? - READ -
Embed the Following Video: Yuval Noah Harari | "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System. COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - WATCH - Why Is the new COVID-19 antibody test called SATiN which uses Luciferase? No, I’m not kidding.
Why Did MIT Develop the Quantum Dot? IT engineers have developed a way to store information about a patient’s vaccine history under the skin, using an invisible quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch. READ - Why Did MIT Develop the CBDCs? Why Is the CBDC Currency Technology Being Introduced Call Quant? - READ - CBDCs | “What We’ve Seen Is Everybody Has a Friction Point of CBDC Interoperability and That’s Something We Solved In 2018. So We Are Quite Ahead of the Market to Be Able to Implement." - Gilbert Verdian (Founder and CEO of Quant) - WATCH - What Will Patent #US-201-202-509-48A-1 Be Used For? System and Method for Biometric Identification using Ultraviolet (UV) Image Data - READ - Dr. Robert Malone Discusses Why He Invented the mRNA Vaccine Technology While Also Discussing: Luciferase, mRNA Vaccines, Using Targeted Mutagenesis to Produce Gain-of-Function Mutations That Can Be Used for Vaccine Purposes) **Leave Your Comments - WATCH -
Development of a destabilized firefly luciferase enzyme for measurement of gene expression - READ - Embed the Following Video: Copy the video found on the bottom of this page -
Embed the Following Video: COVID-19 Shots | Why Are MAC Addresses (Media Access Codes) Inside the COVID-19 Shots?
WATCH - Lead Google Technologist Ray Kurzweil | "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud (with Nanobots That Enter Your Neocortex)" - WATCH - Embed the Following Video - Yuval Noah Harari | "Figures Like Hitler, Like Stalin Also Tried to Re-Engineer Humans. What Would They Do With the Technology That I Am Developing Right Now? - WATCH - Embed the Following Video - The Great Reset | Why Did Rice Develop Self-Assembling Graphene Oxide Using Nano-Technology? - WATCH - Why Does the Patent for a Nano Coronavirus Recombinant Vaccine Taking Graphene Oxide as Carrier Exist? - READ - Why Does This Patent Exist? Devices and Methods for Transferring Data Through a Human Body - READ: Why Does the WO2020060606 CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA Exist? Why Does This Patent Not Work Without Putting Nano-Technology Inside the Human Body? - READ - Why Is the NIH Working On Designing a Synthetic Immune Surveillance Network? - WATCH - Why Is NIH Developing Synthetic Immunosurveillance Systems: Nanodevices to Monitor Physiological Events - READ - Embed the Following Video - Yuval Noah Harari | "Your Immune Systems Will Be Connected to Net" - WATCH - Embed the Following Video - What Is the Ultimate World Economic Forum Agenda? - The Great Reset | G20 Panel Calls for Global Digital Health Passports | "Let's Have a Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged by WHO. If You Have Been Vaccinated or Tested Properly, Then You Can Move Around" - WATCH - What Is the Purpose of the WO2020160397 METHODS OF PREPARING LIPID NANOPARTICLES Patent? - READ - Embed the Following Video - COVID-19 Shots | What Is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Shots? The INTERNET OF BODIES Explained - WATCH - Embed the Following Video -
Karen Kingston Explains The Internet of Bodies Agenda While Showing the Patents That Prove the Plan - WATCH - Embed the Following Video - Uncensored: LUCIFERASE to go Into the FOREHEAD or RIGHT HAND! Injected People Emit EMF - WATCH - What Does the Bible Have to Say About Buying and Selling?
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” - Revelation 13: 16-18Why Is 6G Technology Being Developed That Could Use Humans As a Power Source? - READ - Why Did the Now Convicted Harvard Professor Charles Lieber (Who Was Paid $50,000 Per Month Illegally by the Chinese Communist Party) Created Nano-technology That Allows Human Cells to Send and Receive Signals?
READ - \Why Did Harvard ‘s (Now Arrested) Charles Lieber & Other Researchers Create a Material That Merges Nanoscale Electronics with Biological Tissues?
READ - Harvard’s (now convicted) Charles M. Lieber Create a U.S. Patent for Using 5G Radiation to Vibrate Corona Virus Particles from Present Nanotube Containers?
READ - Why Did Harvard’s Charles Lieber Create Patents for Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain?
READ - Embed the Following Video - Why Is China Developing Mind-Controlling Weapons Via Gene-Editing?
Last edited by Admin (4/17/2024 11:47 pm)
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