Commonwealth Civil Rights - Reversing the Ancient Antiwhite Pogrom through Tactical Civics

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5/15/2024 12:48 am  #1


Every Facet of Proto-European Civilization is being demonised under a Faux Environmentalism Collective Guilt Pseudoscientific Fraud. 

Agriculture and Biodiversity:  our Communities, Plants, Companion; Rare Breeds; Animal Husbandry; Mariculture  - are being threatened.

This is through a facade of ID Thiefs pretending to be Indigenous, Faux Environmentalists - but they are Tools for a system that is Megacorporation controlled.  The aim is to remove people from the Land, into Concentration cities, and reliant on Cashless Synthetic "food". All this while the Worlds land is stolen under the guise of Colonialism and Climate: but traded as Carbon and Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services and Natural Asset Classes. 


Genocidal Maniacs  [on WHITE PEOPLE FUCK OFF]

Food Wars
Food systenm

Green Incompetence & Inside Trading to Poison Food?

Faux Bar Association So Called Youth Climate Rights  Legal Cases

NGO's Pretending to be Grassroots, Pushing Pre Prepared Subversive Laws - that Result in Slavery 
UN Ecocide Law - Farming is not Ecocide
UN Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation
Climate Breakthrough transforms grantmaking for climate action  What is the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty? | Fossil fuels | The Guardian
Lobby Groups & Self Aggrandizing Awards to Create the Illusion of Social Legitimacy
Arctic Researcher in Inuit & Climate Resilience Change a who is a "descendant of Inuit" that went to the US and is back -and is of Askhenasi Inuit? 
Fake Court Cases to Intimidate the Public to Not Question the Narrative
Fake Narratives by Cultural Appropriators Acting as Amerindians

UN C40 Climate_Justice_Cities kicking Whites out of Economy and Putting them into Slums next to Migrant Camps for attempting Miscegenation  
In these migrant camps - Fake color revolutions race riots are externally modulated using technology tested in Rwanda and that is embedded in Mission Critical Tetra systems and Mobile ph, and the large towers and concentration of people under them!! But its important its the C 40 cities like Durban and Johannesburg where White people are economically expelled from cities that they built while Climate Justice Jobs Conferences are held and open borders allow mass replacement. Chaos and large numbers of vandalised hijacked buildings, . 

Here is how too: Bill Blocking WHO, UN, and WEF from Imposing 'Rule, Regulation, Fee, Tax, Policy, or Mandate of Any Kind' Passes Louisiana Senate

"The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana."
In a landmark move on Tuesday for State sovereignty and local governance, the Louisiana Senate passed Senate Bill No. 133, a piece of legislation aimed at significantly limiting the influence and jurisdiction of certain international organizations within the state

Our Environmental Performance is Exemplary and we are perfectly within our right to exist and have our minor Civilizational Interaction with Our World - without opportunist detritovores demanding money, property, and blood from us.

A way out of Net Zero  Dear Peter Dutton, CC Ted O’Brien

I’ve been badgering and ridiculing Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen in this publication (in both its physical and digital platforms) while writing about his portfolio’s climate change fantasies since October 2016. It is weighing on my conscience – only because the Liberal Party you lead has continued the Net Zero policy of your predecessor, Scott Morrison. You deserve my attention (and opprobrium), too. 
While your performance on the subject avoids the pantomime of Bowen’s zealotry, all Net Zero policies are based on nothing more than destructive propaganda. To recall US columnist and author the late Charles Krauthammer’s observation that the political right thinks the left is stupid and the left thinks the right is evil. You and your party are neither stupid nor evil; so why?
Scott Morrison is largely to blame for thrusting the Coalition into the net of climate derangement syndrome. But you, as the new leader, should have immediately suspended that policy, ‘while under investigation’.
Political wisdom may have scared you off, but political wisdom is like lady luck. She may not stick around when you need her. A sure bet would be the facts. In this case, the facts drown out the propaganda, if only you’ll listen.
What I propose is that you harness the great research that your shadow minister, Ted O’Brien, has compiled on the subject, and fuse it to the nuclear power issue.
This is how it might be framed in the statement announcing the policy change:
The Liberal Party has reviewed the special, deeply researched report on climate change related matters by Shadow Minister Ted O’Brien. The report demonstrates without doubt that policies intended to reduce fossil fuel emissions have been developed on alarmist claims repeated over many years.
The report highlights the absence of any scientific evidence to support the claims that CO2 warms the planet. It never has.

Indeed, the report cites contrary evidence from acclaimed scientists who rely on empirical data and historical evidence. In fact, atmospheric CO2 increases after periods of natural warming.
Among other things, the report points to recent claims by the Prime Minister and other Cabinet members that extreme weather events we are seeing are caused by climate change. This fallacy was debunked by the IPCC itself over a decade ago in November 2011 in its special draft report on extreme weather events. It reported that, for the next 20-30 years, man-made warming effects on climate extremes will be swamped by natural climate variability, adding that the man-made warming may even be beneficial by reducing the number of extreme events. This has been ignored, and alarmist claims continue with every extreme weather event.
Shadow Minister O’Brien’s report simultaneously details the benefits and feasibility of nuclear power generation, which we have supported for some time.
Consequently, the combination of two powerful drivers to change policy for the benefit of Australia, the Liberal Party room has agreed to abandon Net Zero as a policy objective and embrace nuclear energy as a priority in energy production.
In the short term, mining and burning fossil fuels will be considered not as a dangerous endeavour but as necessary to production and the maintenance of Australia’s standard of living. The transition to nuclear energy will be planned through consultation with industry experts and consultants, drawing on international experience. It will be left to the marketplace to determine whether nuclear energy is commercially feasible, and we in government will provide the legislative framework.
Among the great side-benefits of embracing nuclear energy would be the gradual silencing of anti-fossil fuel fulminations. It has got insufferably boring.

But the biggest benefit is most likely to be the election of the Coalition and putting a halt to the destructive effects (and sky-high prices) of rejecting coal and gas.
Your humble reporter,
Andrew L. Urban is the author of Climate Alarm Reality Check (Wilkinson).

11 Megaregions, SmartCities & Depopulated Wildlands Countryside?

Climate Narrative and Metis [Indigenous?] Injustice Narrative - to Remove Land Rights

In Canada the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
But Irish are Not Indigenous to Ireland!
GREATEST FEARS - Report by a panel of Race Hustling Opportunist Bigots.
What we heard from the Race Hustlers: Public Health Risk from Colonization, Systemic Racism, Climate Change (the indignation of invaders demonizing the people that built and funded the shared healthcare and academic facilities);  

Religious Extremism?
"Academic" & Curriculum Overrepresentation

“Toward a Holy Ecology: Reading the Song of Songs in the Age of Climate Crisis.” The biblical love song, she writes, “could be understood as a mediation on our relationship with nature, animated by love.”  
When the Song of Songs is read in synagogues around the world this Passover, Ellen’s earth-focused translation will breathe new life into the ancient, deeply sensual text.
I met Ellen Bernstein 35 years ago at a hippie-dippie Jewish summer retreat in rural Pennsylvania. She was sitting cross-legged on the dry, straw-like grass and I plunked myself down next to her. Her hair was the exact color of the grass she sat on. Ellen had just founded Shomrei Adamah (Keepers of the Earth), the first Jewish national environmental organization. “Ecology and the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature and the Sacred Meet.” We worked together four years ago on her Haggadah, “The Promise of the Land,” which launched just as the first season of the pandemic caused a global lockdown. Ellen had ambitious Earth Seders set up in several communities and when I warned that everything was about to be shut down and we needed a contingency plan, she laughed that I was negative and pessimistic. She peeled away the artifice of contemporary society and popular culture and gave us permission to see and inhabit the true essence of life — the seasons, flowers, birds, animals, mountains, rivers, the sun rising and setting, rainbows, the smell of rain, fields, deserts, the scent and sweep of great winds, the majesty of the ocean, deep lush forests, fragrances and sounds, the great swirling hullabaloo, orchestrated by God, given to humankind to protect.

Creators of the Man Made Climate Change narrative: 
Stephen H Schneider - Env Biology & Global Change. Stanford Uni
Gavin A Schmidt - Climatologist. NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Davis Guggenheim -  Filmmaker of "An Inconvenient Truth" for US v Pres Al Gore (forced watching at Sci Uni Pre Edu Cmp]
Joseph J Romm  - Center for American Progress
Richard Sander - Founder of Chicago Climate Exchange 
Ignacy Sachs - Ecole des Hautes. Etudes en Sc. Socieles France
Nicholas Stern - London School of Economics. [Stern Report - Limits to Growth]
Tedd D Stern - Special Envoy for Climate Change. US Dept of State.     John Kerry may be present ENVOY LOL Skull n Bones kuk
Jeffrey Skoll - Exec. Producer. An Inconvenient Truth. Movie. 
Michael E. Mann - Prof. Meterorology. Pennyslyvania State Uni
Benjamin Santer - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

GeoengineeringWatch. org is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.
Global weather engineering operations are a reality.
Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed? THE DIMMING documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. This is the most complete http://GeoengineeringWatch. org documentary regarding climate engineering operations. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.

Limits to Growth and First Global Revolution required research. Club of Rome 10 Regional Kingdoms plan 1973 >
The Club of Rome issues a report September 17, 1973, entitled >--- Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System ---- dividing the world into 10 kingdoms -
Freemasonry Explained by Brother Michael Dimond > kingdoms and x7 Heads/Hills discussed

Typical Scenario from Cohesive Community to Climate Disaster as Catalyst to Smart City Condense people; and Land Theft by Metis with Nature Designations and Resource Grabs.
Objective - Fires, Floods, Storm Surges, Hurricanes - People movement away from Rural and Coastal Towns into Condensed Predefined Areas, So Called Metis have Access to Prior Common Land Resources. Declared Native and Wildlands. 
Whites called Racist Colonialists to force them to hand over Money and Assets. Mineral Resources, Power and Funding go to the Metis Champions of Climate and Social Justice. 
Insurance calls it Act of God to avoid Paying. Urban zone saturated with Sensors, Towers, Cameras, Tracking Technology. People are coerced to get injections and nano body sensors for the Internet of Bodies. Digital ID for health services or Pension. Imported subsidised Foreign Nationals that are unvetted, compete for limited school and daycare, and housing. Box Stores and DropShip conglomorates beat out small business. The CBDC and Social Credit Score with Carbon Tracker - can operate once Climate Taxes, Electrification and Indoctrination in Systemic White Racist Replacement Dispossession continues at pace. Objection is Disinformation. 

Rebeca Alty - Yellowknife Shirat Hayam MINERALS REALLY

Risks - Food, Farming, Energy, Transport Risk thermal     Fuel tax on heating, vs wood heating economic activity

Hydrocarbon Industry & Finance


Climate change catastrophism [CURSE] is a cultural disease haunting Western society. Andy West’s excellent study of this problem explains the different drivers of this disease. It is an important contribution to a debate where reason must prevail Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent.

The 15 Minute Cities narrative seeks to fool you in the guise of saving the planet, keeping you safe, while delivering convenience. It’s the gateway to Digital ID & CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies). CBDC’s allow bankers and/or governments to freeze your bank account because you happened to peacefully & lawfully protest & express your disagreement with government policy.
Anyone remember the Truckers Convoy in Ottawa in February 2022, when the Government of Canada invoked the Emergencies Act and froze the private bank accounts of law abiding citizens?15 Minute Cities are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe the countless stories which spew forth on a 24/7 basis from the elitist, captured mainstream media, all claiming to have your best interests at heart. We have been burned too many times.The Reality:24/7 surveillance through: “The Internet of Things” inside your home; 5G & LED streetlights with cameras and audio detection outside; to Monitor/Track/Record EVERYTHING!Implementation of exclusion zones & geofencing to restrict movement & travel.
Ability to control behaviour through Military Directed Energy Technologies
Property & car ownership to be outlawed - evictions from farms, ranches & rural areas, in order to gather people into cities.
Digital Passports being promulgated by the United Nations, The World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization are in the final stages of planning & implementation.
They are tied to Social Credit Score which is determined by compliance to government directives. These passports control all access and all aspects of life.Digital currency is being implemented to end cash and monitor all spending. Your digital currency will be turned off or on - depending on compliance score. 
UBI (Universal Basic Income) - a state controlled allowance which forces compliance by restricting access to food, money, services and education.All the above will enable “Climate Lockdowns” to be implemented easily, arbitrarily & indefinitely.

Smart Cities - Using ESG & Diversity Hire to Exclude Whites from their City Economies & Decisions. The tarmac was converted to impermeable paving and trees planted - something done across many amenities in Britain. Its called Urban Drainage and Urban Parkscapes. Ironic that the Smart City 567Gen teams were cutting our Trees for %G transmission.  The Rhetoric is AntiWhiteRacist Climate Justice, whereas Funding & Building the School is Systemic Racism, Climate Change and Colonialism) 

Dark Matter Labs  Why not Democratic Calcutta? Build your own city rentseeker!! 
Nov 5, 2022 Architecture Architect Indy Johar: 'The scale of what we're about to face is completely underestimated' Meet the man behind Dark Matter Labs, who has radical plans for a greener future...
Legitimate Change & The Critical Role of Cities. by Indy Johar.  This requires system innovation at the city scale. It is this complexity, knot of systems of systems and the need for socially legitimate solutions, which is forcing a new architecture of legitimacy and the growing global calls for the strategic devolution of nation states — and the rise of the city. But Matter Labs: rethinking organizing #BeyondTheRules Today we're joined by Indy Johar and Annette Dhami to discuss their mission of discovering, designing, and developing the institutional 'dark matter' that supports a more democratic, distributed, and sustainable future. Fundamentally, this is about a new relationship with things and a new relationship with the world around us › legitimate-cities-df8f5561780e

Carbon Capture & Storage Pipelines, Subsidies & Foreign Land Deals 
Summit is suing 80 South Dakota landowners who have refused to sign voluntary easements, and meanwhile a judge is allowing the company to survey that same private land. 
One of them, multi-generation farmer Jared Bossly, told The New American that he appealed personally to Republican Governor Kristi Noem, who campaigned on a pledge to 
advance agriculture and secure our food supply. According to him, she responded: “It’s out of my hands…. I can’t fight all your battles.”
Summit is a limited liability company registered in the United States, but the list of investors it provided to the state public service commission includes TPG Rise 
Climate and SK Group. One of TPG’s backers is the Chinese government investment fund known as The Silk Road Fund. In other words, without government subsidies, no one 
would be pursuing carbon capture or the pipelines that go with it.      

Think Local Act Global - is Codeword for Losing Decision-making, and Property Rights but also being Replace under Climate Emergency and Climate Justice conflation. 

Please SHARE this with all Canadians & other free nations under attack by the UN.This may prove to be one of the most important interviews I have done. Maggie accomplished it in Ontario, and she has created a package for YOU so you don't have to figure it out for yourself. It's time to stop complaining and instead use the tool Maggie made for you in your town. Trudeau flew in to her town after she convinced council not to proceed and her video went viral, and other bizarre happenings when she had success fending of the beast. THIS ONE NEEDS TO BE SHARED ACROSS CANADA!!! Maggie's package here: at
ICLEI Organization (Main Web page)

ICLEI - LocalGovernments for Sustainablility

Green Municipal Fund

Gather 2030 - Substack

"KICKLEI PRIMER 1st Edition"

"Rosa Koire - Behind The Green Mask"

"The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide"

Federation of canadian Municipalities

"A municipal Primer on The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development" (46 - pages)

"Partners for Climate Protection"

There is no climate Emergency (pdf)

"There is No Climate Change Emergency"

"Partners for Climate Protection"

"City of Kelowna - Climate Action" Web page

"Climate Action Plan"

"Climate Projections for the Okanogan Region - 2020)

"Kelowna-Clean Air Action Plan-Resolution"

"Kelowna-Report to Council May 15, 2011-Community Climate Action Plan"

One article related to "Geoff Sniccer" as discussed by Maggie:
"Newly formed association meeting to discuss alleged government sustainability plot"


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